The inevitable Push!

Okay a poem from heart
Written  by a hilarious design
I finally succumbed
to the master of friendship
As if he has not got enough friends!

No I am not talking about him
He does not want my friendship
but I would surely love his companionship
Because! Because I am talking about god right now!

The god of Facebook you people
He is the master and we are the slaves
The slaves of his social network
and His stock option in the IPO!

Merry Christmas!!!

“Freedom is the freedom to say that two plus two makes four. If that is granted, all else follows.”
–George Orwell
I start with the watchful eye of the surveillance cameras this time. It is as if I have been waiting for this moment at time to express my thoughts on how the world today is turning into a utopia imagined by one man. That man is George Orwell. He defined this exact moment in his novel 1984 as an invasion in privacy. For him this thought was new but for me it is not.
For one thing, our privacy has always been invaded by one entity from history. That entity is the all powerful God. He has been the omnipresent: the all watchful eye. He watches us every day according to the religious texts and I believe it. A 100% belief in it and I mean it.
So to worship him and for his tribute a short poem…
The eyes are wet
The passage is narrow
The path is dark
And filled with sorrow.

I am a sheep with a mind of its own
You are the Sheppard who guides us
So with your blessings we go to the light
Form the unknown to the known.

In this day, Christ was born
With all holy light and power
Merry Christmas to you all
So that almighty’s favor it may shower.

Merry Christmas!!!

Unicorns of Nepal!

Today was a busy day. Please do not get the idea of a busy schedule with hectic time frames. The idea of me all over the place doing a thing or other scares me.  Back to my point, it was busy because I had to pay bills for the water company that supplied water to my house today. If it’s any indication to what I am about to write, the whole trip to the K.U.K.L. (Kathmandu Upateyka KhanePani Limited) was not pleasant. I know this has been overstated fact that government offices here in Nepal are as inefficient as my study schedule but then again here we are talking about it again.
I was at the billing counter, a trip 15 minutes from home. The road as it has been for months has been a picturesque form of a war zone  My cousin described it the other day; he told me it reminds him of the “Call Of Duty” franchise war simulation. I have to agree with him. The dust, the destruction and the traffic, all pile up to everyone’s frustration. I would say a revolution is on the way but then again if I said that I would quote one of Nepal’s political leaders and trust me I don’t want to be political. But anyhow with these thoughts rambling in my head I reached the supposed destination.
There I was irritated by my short trip and totally confused about the procedure of bill payment. So, I decided to go to the help desk as labeled in the office. The office of the whole corporation lay beside a large water container that was big enough to hold a supermarket. The help desk lady asked me for my consumer identification card and she advised me to go to Counter No.3 to pay my bills. Then just like a law abiding citizen (unlike Gerrard Butler) I got in line for my turn in Counter No.3.
A lot happened when I was in the line. A bee flew past me without stinging me, government  employees finished gulping their tea in his office without even offering to the normal folk, an entire episode of HOW I MET YOUR MOTHER aired on TV, Obama finished his second term as the president of USA and the apocalypse finally  happened in 21st December  2050 A.D. There were only 2 people in front of me and the lady behind the counter took more than 20 minutes to finish their deal. It seemed like an eternity when I finally reached the counter and when I gave her my consumer card she informed me I was in the wrong counter. I was to go to the Counter No.1. I was misinformed by the help desk. Well, 20 minutes down the drain.
I got in even a longer line this time but magically this person at this specific counter was more efficient than the others. He completed the job in over 30 seconds per consumer and neatly I was there under 3 minutes. He wasn't much for chitchat. He took my car, appropriate fees, bill was issued and I was off. What an efficient employee and he didn't even use a computer. He did all of the work manually. I was impressed. A government controlled corporation with an efficient officer is hard to find these days in Nepal. They exist, are large in numbers but simply hard to find just like unicorns.
I hope such unicorns do exist in the road reconstruction offices as well because this road rampage or road kill (waiting to use that one for a long time) is unbearable. The broken houses, the dust all need to be settled very fast. It is hard for us common folk who rarely have a day without a dust induced asthma and bronchitis. If it is hard for the unicorns to do alone call on the Dragons (private contractors) for help. Just an opinion!

Getting High

It’s not weed. It’s not cocaine and it’s not marijuana either. This is a different kind of high. I might say it’s better than sex but I lack experience in that certain area of topic. It is the high of rising above all rejections, problems, insecurities and coming out on top. My friend Prayag says it’s indescribable and I agree. We cannot describe something that pure and jolly.
This came up when we were discussing our college admissions the other day. Prayag as informed speaker as he is was telling me about a student from Nepal who got accepted to Dartmouth last year. He said and I quote “An acceptance into Dartmouth made it all worth it. All the rejections, the deferrals, the denial and the humiliation all seemed so petty at that moment. That made it all worth it. His meteoric rise from the ashes of denial will be the reason he will be remembered.  If he was accepted in other colleges it wouldn't have been the same but he wasn't and that made it all fruitful.”
As always I nodded with agreement and it got me thinking about it. What kind of feeling could he have felt at the time? Is anything equivalent to that? I don’t think so. All that hard work and pressure surely paid off when he got into an Ivy League school. He got his ultimate high then but what about us? What about the other people here on earth? When will we experience such a high? Well, for now we are still searching.
I for one am thinking that that kind of high will come to me in the short future. I have a hunch about it. It may be similar to the guy above. Since, I am applying to college this year maybe I will get into an Ivy school too. (heheh!) But seriously speaking about the stats of college application to American colleges from Nepal: it’s troubling. Some people get into Ivy’s while some have trouble getting into Community colleges. My school is the Nepal’s top school if we count the number of students studying A-Levels i.e. 200. The disappointing news is only 10% of total students in my batch are applying to US colleges. Only 20 of us out of 200, certainly we are pretty shaken up by admission stats.
The average applicant from Nepal stands with a 3.5 GPA and asks for a financial aid package worth around 2 crores if we quote another friend of mine Pradeep. If that is not an indicator to low success rates of college applications than what is? If we go to SAT scores and ACT scores we are in a better place as it seems we score a tad higher than average Americans. We are especially better at mathematics as students usually cross 650 out of 800. We have more catching up to do with Critical Reading and Writing Sections though.
All this said and done even if we have stellar applications there are only few institutions that provide reasonable financial aid to us Nepalese and our choices narrow down. Consequently the lists of colleges in Nepalese college application are same. At this stage only the best candidates get the prize and it suits the Nepalese model i.e. let the better man win.
Well, all of this came up since its college app season and I have been neck deep in it. Piled with supplements and what not and best of all SATs and TOEFLs. As I said, earlier college application might be my ultimate high. I hope yours might be better.
Until you get that ultimate high, Happy hunting!


Every morning is different; waking up with different feelings but the constant reminder of bone chilling sensation that scares me every day. Why is it so hard to be warm inside and out when the sun shine with its greatest might and day begins with the sweet chirp of birds finding their ways to feed the young ones in the nest right below the tallest branch of the tree in front of my window? The answer is a distant mystery that eludes me every day with a constant reminder that I am in the cold and I need warmth.

This cold feeling it does not seem to leave me. While I cover my bare body with layers of clothes for a futile act of creating warmth in me but my soul and mind is naked and shivering encountering the full wrath of the cold. I have no clothes to cover them but with everyday passing the cold gets bitter and bitter and bitter.

It is as if the cold is a manifestation of my actions in the past; as if I left a refrigerator open in the past and put the temperature to maximum in its settings.  I should be comfortable with the cold by now but every day it seems harder to fight the cold because the refrigerator has immense functions to offer. The chilling winds of my past regrets strip away the warmth inside me and make me a shell of a man I used to be.

There used to be warmth and eternal sunshine and I sunbathed with my emotions. The warm interactions; the loving eyes were all I found but as actions committed to feelings the warmth gave way to bitter cold and an eternal winter that left me with sorrow and despair. These eyes that gave me warmth now show me the chilling stare that makes this winter even harder.

Those eyes were magnificent at first gazing me with utmost beauty and compassion. They represented hope. A symbol for the warmth that my soul possessed but as the eyes came swiftly they went away swiftly as well. The swift nature of those eyes took way all the warmth like an endothermic reaction of hearts of some sort and crashed the ship that held this body together.

No man could witness the decrease in heat or even sense the cold or the warmth but only they could see the obvious; someone leaving the very man who was the sole provider of positivity and compassion. This act gave way to remorse, hatred and the all eternal bitter cold that seems to  continue into infinity and beyond.

How far do the media have the right to probe into a person’s life?

Globalization has made the world even smaller and increased the borders of media. It is a worldwide responsibility of media to present factual truth to the global society. It is not a matter of whether one likes it, wants it or needs it. The media’s responsibility could never be overemphasized when its impact on world politics, economy, culture and other social sectors has increasingly widened. It is absolutely true for a news organization to report the truth as much as possible. It is the very basic requirement of the media industry. But nowadays that is far from enough. The media, like all corporations, are no longer held accountable for their actions. Questionable Celebrity photos and paparazzi culture has disgraced media and diverted media from its responsibility. Social networks have become a good asset for the media to explore into private lives. Media has become a basic tool to earn money and with that many media corporations have started to probe into private lives to dig dirt and violating the right to privacy.

One man's gossip may be another man's news, but distinguishing between the two is often the key in determining whether the press is guilty of invasion of privacy. Whether an article or broadcast is newsworthy, whether the information was gathered in an objectionable fashion, whether truthful information is nonetheless highly offensive, all are considerations in weighing individuals' claims against the news media. Invasion of privacy is a civil wrong, which can lead to jury trials and potential claims for compensatory and punitive damages. The gist of the wrongful act is a physical intrusion into a place where the reporter has no lawful right to be, i.e., peering into windows, tape recording conversations of others without consent, or reproducing private documents without consent. Sometimes the intrusion is not physical, but is accomplished by electronic devices. These kinds of intrusion and offensive behaviors question the moral integrity of the journalist itself. Here we have to have moral standards upon the media’s right to invade a private life. It is not the case of secrecy but it is a case of moral value. Media has the right to search for a criminal and it can follow such behaviors in such cases but invading a common man’s life is morally incorrect.

The end of the twentieth century was dominated by the extraordinary growth of the Internet as a communications medium and commercial engine. It revolutionized the media industry and made it more commercial. This dynamic, multifaceted category of communication included not only traditional print and news services, but also audio, video, and still images. This provided media with more power and more responsibility but the real deal came when Internet was introduced with social networks. Social networks became the pool of private information that could be viewed publicly. The unprecedented power offered by social network media also threatened individual privacy. The photo sharing and the YouTube videos became a global phenomenon but it added to the risk of exposure of private information. The attack by hackers and media releasing photos are the consequences of media probing into the private lives of a common man. If the media cannot handle the risk of securing theses private information then it questions the extent of media’s right to probe for information.

Celebrities are most haunted by media probing into their life. Paparazzi taking photos and the media presenting rumors about celebrities in their gossip news present the signs of yellow journalism. It is common for media proprietors or executives and for consumers to distance themselves from paparazzi, particularly during outbreaks of community emotion such as followed the death of Princess Diana. However, they are complicit in production, distribution and consumption of celebrity images. It makes media look more like a financial institution. Paparazzi released the photos of Princess Diana right after her death to the media houses which was a proof of yellow journalism. Recent rumors of Jackie Chan and Rajnikant being dead are all a consequence of lack of privacy and yellow journalism. The Paris Hilton sex tape and Britney Spears photo without her underwear caught by the paparazzi shows disrespect to privacy and women. These examples do prove that the credibility of media decreases as it involves itself in menial affairs as such. Media should report the consequences of Global warming, probe into corruption by the government rather than exploring the privacy of common man.

Media should be a responsible force rather than a financial power. Certainly finance is an issue but media should take a step towards serious issues such as poverty and education. Media should respect the privacy of an individual and be responsible. Media is a good source which would go waste if it humiliates the privacy of an individual.

How important is it to explore alternative forms of energy?

Energy is the source of life. Energy that we gain from food helps us to survive. It implies that food is a source of energy for us. The vehicles that we use, the industries that manufacture different products are all dependant on some kind of energy source. The source may be electricity or fossil fuel but it is clear that everything needs an energy source to run. In the old days firewood was the energy source. After the invention of automobiles and airplanes in early 20th century, fossil fuels have been the most prominent source of energy. Fossil fuels fulfill most of the energy requirement of the world because of which energy produced from other sources are regarded as alternative energy. Fossil fuels are found in a limited amount which puts it into a high risk of depletion. So, it has become very important to explore alternate forms of energy.

Fossil fuel governs the world economy as it is proved to be the prominent source of energy. It can be a benefit to those countries which have a large abundance of fossil fuels. Countries such as UAE, Saudi Arabia, and Mexico are the major providers of fossil fuel in the present world. They are rich countries with their supply of fuel but when the fuel runs out, their economy may be thrashed. It will not only affect these nations but it will affect the global market. It will cause recession bigger than that of 2009/10. For instance, the increase in price of oil increases the monetary value of gold but when there is an Energy crisis it could drop down the monetary value of gold. It would cause inflation and developed or under developed, all nations will have to suffer. Saudi Arabia exports nearly 267 barrels of oil a year and UAE exports 98 billion barrels per year. Energy crisis will doom their economy not to mention it cause a lot people to lose their job. 

This is exact reason why we should explore other forms of energy. We should explore it to balance our economy. Research in alternative energies could mean more jobs. Car manufacturers will be bankrupt if there is an Energy crisis. Japan exported 923000 cars to U.S.A in 2006 which used fossil fuels and the data relates 6 year ago. There is a steady 5% increase of cars sales each year. It means the cars and automobiles around the world would have to run on some other source if the trend is to follow and it can be stopped if we follow our duty. Our duty is not only provide ourselves with a steady economy but for our future generations also. If we explore and practice the use of alternative forms of energy now, we can even prevent an economic an energy crisis from happening.

The economy is not only the fossil fuels are destroying, it’s the environment too. The emission of harmful gases from the use of fossil fuels is destroying the water cycle and causing a worldwide climate change. Global warming is another problem created from the use of fossil fuels. The use of hydroelectricity and solar power could minimize these harmful effects of pollution and Global warming. Sea levels are rising and it is endangering many countries such as Maldives, Nepal, and Philippines. These all harmful effects are caused by the use of fossil fuels and it causing billions of dollars worth damage. The use of alternative energy is inevitable if we do not want floods and landslides. The disturbance in water cycle has caused change in season and disturbed wild flora and fauna. Alternative energy doesn’t only mean using electricity and solar power only but it also means nuclear energy and using ethanol in vehicles. They are less pollutant than fossil fuels. Fossil fuels pollute the environment but it also affects the health of wildlife and not to mention human life. The importance of alternative energy is that it can help create a healthier life than we live in today by saving our environment.

Environment issues have become important to many countries. The use of alternative energy has been a prime example to deal with those in many countries. For instance in U.K. apart from nuclear energy, offshore windmill has been implemented. Denmark has 20% of its population using public transportation and electric vehicles. It aims to eradicate fossil fuels by 2020. In 2008, consumption of renewable sources in the United States totaled 7.3 quadrillion Btu or about 7% of all energy used nationally. Germany is extending its arms towards solar power and India has building projects of onshore windmills. This shows the importance of alternative energy as it is explored by the leading nations also.

We are living on an economy which is dependent upon fuel and its transaction and we have to search new ways to produce fuels. Alternative energy is a step toward tomorrow. It can create a better tomorrow for all of mankind and the environment. It could help us sustain our future. 

Untitled (The finale)

It doesn’t end
But when it does I will not be happy
Nor will I be sad
Just grey! Grey between black and white!
I see the end and I see ….

5 trends that need to stop in Nepal!

We are not idiots. We know what is cool and what is un-cool. Yeah we do and we follow trends following that (Remember the time we all started to buy MUSTANG jeep when you know who rode it). That is why we are Nepalese and we are so awesome (Yeah we really are and I am not joking! I don’t joke about these things!). But we, like every awesome country should have (like we can compare Nepal to any country) some un-cool things too. We do have trends that are so awesome that make foreigners weep blood from their eyes because they can’t handle the awesomeness from these trends and we shall always keep them. There is a thin line between cool and un-cool ones and here we are listing the un-cool ones (so we can warn you)….
1. Politics on front page
Overrating politics is as un-cool as some idiot saying politics is cool. This trend of front-page news of depressing information about the political scenario gives all Nepalese a huge headache after they clean out their bowels (or in plain words go to toilet). I mean someone who may have constipation will expect to lose his headache from the news but instead his constipation is constipated. Who wants to know about the static politics? We need role models in politics. Models will do fine for me but nonetheless we do need a change on this.
That is why I didn't need caption for this!

We need good news and please media take care of that. Give us something to root for like Rajesh Hamal. We love him. We want to make him our Prime Minister. We will not accept any bad news about him and yes it means not talking about his age. He is so cool. But getting back to the topic no politics on front-page, just give us sports. We will make do and since we are on Rajesh Hamal……
It already happened!

2. Comparing Rajesh Dai to Rajnikant! (Come on)
It's time buddy! It's time!
This is the worst trend to arise in our country. You can’t compare Rajesh Dai to what’s his name… Rajnikant. Rajesh Dai will kick Rajnikant forwards and backwards without even moving his leg. This is the reason why we love him and no Nepalese should ever follow this trend. It hurts guys. Seriously, why do we even talk about this stuff? Just these pics are proof why we shouldn’t do this.
I wish I was there in that photo!
Can Rajnikant do this? Like Ever!

3. Calling people from Terai Bhaiya! (Seriously stop this)
We are a diverse nation of many ethnicities and cultures. We should respect this fact and be a very good citizen but instead calling derogatory term to our fellow citizens is not acceptable. Why can’t we accept them and call them as “DAI”? Why say Bhaiya? It is not a good thing to do man! Every person from Terai is called Bhaiya most of the time ( it’s not fair when girls do it especially!).
They look pissed because you told them Bhaiya!

This has to stop and nobody will stop it for us. We have to stop it and stop it now. I do not like this and if you have something to say do support me by commenting and if you don’t want to support me, do not comment!
He is not even from Nepal.
4. Doing Banda’s and Strikes!
We understand the need to break stuff. We also understand the need to hoot for stuff but doing it on a regular basis is stupid. All right I do enjoy the occasional holiday but come on holiday for a month! What am I supposed to do? Play football all day? It’s very cruel to give us holidays and cut off our right to go to malls and movies. What holiday is that which cannot be enjoyed?
Again! Come on! Why do you want KFC so much?
And I haven’t even begun with the impact in the economy. We are already in lot of s**t (actually they sensor everything and funny thing if you remove the asterisks there it looks like saint) and we are aiming for a pile of more. Tourism and service industry are doomed by the strikes and not to mention were already doomed with lack of appropriate care. The only funny thing about strikes is well nothing.
All that commotion and just for standing in line! Pathetic!

5. Giving Miscalls! (Do not miscall and disturb.)
Well I might be (.0001 %) of a hypocrite here because I give the occasional miscalls to my buddies. Just to remind them of the wedgies I am about to give them (actually I receive them but that’s not the point). It is a stupid and a cheap trend and it needs to stop. Please call instead of doing miss-call. I understand the urge to irritate someone but there are other ways too like keeping a severed finger in their lunchbox. Yeah that’ll do the trick.
And the police were wondering why crime has increased...

It is hard to resist but once you do, you do-do. Here the expression is moot but nonetheless stop it guys and if you support these statements given by me do let me know by your comments.
And she is frustrated?
Same as that one in the article 5 ways roads screw you in Nepal!

Untitled (Part-2)

Hiding under the sun in plain sight
But invisible that simple feeling was
Truly majestic it really felt
Not so happy not so sad
Not so white nor so black
But it was simple feeling that
took my breath away!

5 ways roads screw you in Nepal!

Being a Nepali is a proud thing. We have the Mt.Everest, the place where Buddha was born (Yeah people from around the globe Buddha was born in Nepal and not in some other country) and best of all we got our culture but everything is not that perfect. We have a failed political and bureaucratic system (Sorry you guys too and not just the politicians) but on the lighter side the thing that has not failed us is that we have still got anomalies in our countries that haunt us every day. One of them being roads and here is the first reason why.
1. Pitched roads are swimming pools!
Every biker, walker or a puppy (or a dog or any stray animal) that has been in Nepalese roads knows that Nepalese roads in monsoon are an example of swimming pools. Whether it be light rain or heavy rain we do endure the muddy pool and in most cases our clothes endure their splashes.
We have a chance at olympics this time!
We have to be careful about wearing new clothes in monsoon in fear of getting splashed and top of all that we get splashed most of the time. We do not know whether it is the fault of the government or some contractor but these things do give us problems. When tourists see this in our country they feel pity for us and we do not want that. This certainly hampers our tourism industry. While we are on tourism…..
2. Forget bungee we are in for the “ride of death”
We promote tourism. Our service industry; a good use for the rivers (except for the hydro electricity ….. ok that electricity using is obsolete because of load shedding); mountains and flora and fauna. The industry is kicking backside (we are not allowed to say a**) with tourism and the latest product is (drum roll) “Highway to Hell”. Not to rip off ACDC here but look at the picture below.

I am calling my mom if I get through!
I mean where in the world, people get to ride the bus and get the thrill of their lives at a low price. I mean it is a tragedy for people in rural areas who do not have roads but even those who do; well they would rather fly in an aero plane.
3. Strikes (Not the bowling one)!
Okay! Everyone who has visited Nepal or has been a resident of our nation knows about this. For those of you who don’t, I urge you to experience this first hand but I am not going to write anything about strikes because we are fed up about it, so here just pictures.
We want KFC!
That's too much for KFC!

Guess they didn't get KFC?
4. Street Vendors a.k.a. BAto!
We all love shops and especially street shops. The burgers; the nail polish; the panipooris , I mean we all love that don’t we but  when you’re trying to park your bike or trying to walk guess who you curse?
Not Us!

The things that we have to endure while we travel in Nepalese roads are very much curable but we do not seem to cure them. A while back government decided to relocate the street vendors but as it seems it was indeed another plan with no action.
5. Animals and deities on the road!
Remember when you accidentally killed a dog or a cat or a dinosaur. Well we have that privilege everyday in our roads. Not that we hate animals, we love them but they get in the way most of the times and disturb traffic. This gets us late at work and school and college.
         Dynamic Duo
We don’t kill cows though. In fact we worship them and we should cause they give us milk. We don’t eat them. This is how cultural we are but even our gods disturb the road sometimes and we have to wait for them to pass off.
Where is the Zebra Crossing?

We love our country and we are just trying to show what the problems are and we are not biased. So don’t feel insulted!

Untitled :(part 1)

Imagine you were flying
Soaring high above the sky
then you realize that its just a dream      
then you fly higher
because dreams are always far
whether you reach it or not!


Hurray, Bravo
You won!
 Congratulations and celebrations
You won the competition
Go celebrate,
It is your time!

All that hard work paid off,
Those sleepless nights thinking, writing, omitting and writing again,
Waiting for imagination to trigger
Probing for depth in your words,
You finally made it!
You just didn’t make it!
You won it!
You earned it!

You go to your parents,
They smile as if they saw a god,
But they did not; they are smiling for you,
You who has made them proud,
They say with a cheery voice, we raised you,
We taught you how to speak,
We fed you even when we were starving,
Now you made us happy,
You have paid us your debt,
This is our triumph,
We earned it,
You won it!
We won it!

Then you go to your friends,
They clap for you, they cheer as if you were royalty,
They say, we rooted for you,
We helped you speak when you wouldn’t want to!
We made you confident!
Now, you won; your achievement is ours too!
You won it!
So, we won it!

You then go to your teachers,
They smile and say,                                   
You turned out well,
You became a true student,
Your success is our delight,
You won it!
We won it!

You look out the window pretentious of your feat,
Gazing at the sun swimming in the vast ocean at the horizon,
The wind blowing the leaves of the coconut tree outside,
You gloat at them, And then suddenly the tree speaks,
I give you fruit, I give you oil,
I give you air to breathe,
You exist because of me,
It is our elation,
You won it!
We won it!

You are stunned, bewildered but
just as you get over it, the ocean speaks,
I provide you water,
I am inside of you,
You are a part of me and
I am a part of you!
You won!
So we won!

You become unaware of what is happening
These elements they spoke to you,
Then the Sun says, I provide you warmth,
I am source of your life,
I exist within you as fire,
I am the scorching sun,
I am your inspiration,
You won
So I won!

Now you think you have gone mad,
Insanity has gotten hold of you,
Then you look at the mirror,
You see something strange,
Behind all that vanity and pride lies
Lies the same man, who is smiling,
He is smiling because he feels so tiny compared
To the mighty sun and the grand ocean,
He feels he learned a lesson,
A winner never stands alone,
He knows that you won because you had help,
Help that you will always need!

After hearing him from the inside,
You are smiling too,
You are a victor; You demolished your pride,
You shared your victory,
Now you have truly won and
We won with you!