
Hurray, Bravo
You won!
 Congratulations and celebrations
You won the competition
Go celebrate,
It is your time!

All that hard work paid off,
Those sleepless nights thinking, writing, omitting and writing again,
Waiting for imagination to trigger
Probing for depth in your words,
You finally made it!
You just didn’t make it!
You won it!
You earned it!

You go to your parents,
They smile as if they saw a god,
But they did not; they are smiling for you,
You who has made them proud,
They say with a cheery voice, we raised you,
We taught you how to speak,
We fed you even when we were starving,
Now you made us happy,
You have paid us your debt,
This is our triumph,
We earned it,
You won it!
We won it!

Then you go to your friends,
They clap for you, they cheer as if you were royalty,
They say, we rooted for you,
We helped you speak when you wouldn’t want to!
We made you confident!
Now, you won; your achievement is ours too!
You won it!
So, we won it!

You then go to your teachers,
They smile and say,                                   
You turned out well,
You became a true student,
Your success is our delight,
You won it!
We won it!

You look out the window pretentious of your feat,
Gazing at the sun swimming in the vast ocean at the horizon,
The wind blowing the leaves of the coconut tree outside,
You gloat at them, And then suddenly the tree speaks,
I give you fruit, I give you oil,
I give you air to breathe,
You exist because of me,
It is our elation,
You won it!
We won it!

You are stunned, bewildered but
just as you get over it, the ocean speaks,
I provide you water,
I am inside of you,
You are a part of me and
I am a part of you!
You won!
So we won!

You become unaware of what is happening
These elements they spoke to you,
Then the Sun says, I provide you warmth,
I am source of your life,
I exist within you as fire,
I am the scorching sun,
I am your inspiration,
You won
So I won!

Now you think you have gone mad,
Insanity has gotten hold of you,
Then you look at the mirror,
You see something strange,
Behind all that vanity and pride lies
Lies the same man, who is smiling,
He is smiling because he feels so tiny compared
To the mighty sun and the grand ocean,
He feels he learned a lesson,
A winner never stands alone,
He knows that you won because you had help,
Help that you will always need!

After hearing him from the inside,
You are smiling too,
You are a victor; You demolished your pride,
You shared your victory,
Now you have truly won and
We won with you!

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