Untitled (The finale)

It doesn’t end
But when it does I will not be happy
Nor will I be sad
Just grey! Grey between black and white!
I see the end and I see ….

5 trends that need to stop in Nepal!

We are not idiots. We know what is cool and what is un-cool. Yeah we do and we follow trends following that (Remember the time we all started to buy MUSTANG jeep when you know who rode it). That is why we are Nepalese and we are so awesome (Yeah we really are and I am not joking! I don’t joke about these things!). But we, like every awesome country should have (like we can compare Nepal to any country) some un-cool things too. We do have trends that are so awesome that make foreigners weep blood from their eyes because they can’t handle the awesomeness from these trends and we shall always keep them. There is a thin line between cool and un-cool ones and here we are listing the un-cool ones (so we can warn you)….
1. Politics on front page
Overrating politics is as un-cool as some idiot saying politics is cool. This trend of front-page news of depressing information about the political scenario gives all Nepalese a huge headache after they clean out their bowels (or in plain words go to toilet). I mean someone who may have constipation will expect to lose his headache from the news but instead his constipation is constipated. Who wants to know about the static politics? We need role models in politics. Models will do fine for me but nonetheless we do need a change on this.
That is why I didn't need caption for this!

We need good news and please media take care of that. Give us something to root for like Rajesh Hamal. We love him. We want to make him our Prime Minister. We will not accept any bad news about him and yes it means not talking about his age. He is so cool. But getting back to the topic no politics on front-page, just give us sports. We will make do and since we are on Rajesh Hamal……
It already happened!

2. Comparing Rajesh Dai to Rajnikant! (Come on)
It's time buddy! It's time!
This is the worst trend to arise in our country. You can’t compare Rajesh Dai to what’s his name… Rajnikant. Rajesh Dai will kick Rajnikant forwards and backwards without even moving his leg. This is the reason why we love him and no Nepalese should ever follow this trend. It hurts guys. Seriously, why do we even talk about this stuff? Just these pics are proof why we shouldn’t do this.
I wish I was there in that photo!
Can Rajnikant do this? Like Ever!

3. Calling people from Terai Bhaiya! (Seriously stop this)
We are a diverse nation of many ethnicities and cultures. We should respect this fact and be a very good citizen but instead calling derogatory term to our fellow citizens is not acceptable. Why can’t we accept them and call them as “DAI”? Why say Bhaiya? It is not a good thing to do man! Every person from Terai is called Bhaiya most of the time ( it’s not fair when girls do it especially!).
They look pissed because you told them Bhaiya!

This has to stop and nobody will stop it for us. We have to stop it and stop it now. I do not like this and if you have something to say do support me by commenting and if you don’t want to support me, do not comment!
He is not even from Nepal.
4. Doing Banda’s and Strikes!
We understand the need to break stuff. We also understand the need to hoot for stuff but doing it on a regular basis is stupid. All right I do enjoy the occasional holiday but come on holiday for a month! What am I supposed to do? Play football all day? It’s very cruel to give us holidays and cut off our right to go to malls and movies. What holiday is that which cannot be enjoyed?
Again! Come on! Why do you want KFC so much?
And I haven’t even begun with the impact in the economy. We are already in lot of s**t (actually they sensor everything and funny thing if you remove the asterisks there it looks like saint) and we are aiming for a pile of more. Tourism and service industry are doomed by the strikes and not to mention were already doomed with lack of appropriate care. The only funny thing about strikes is well nothing.
All that commotion and just for standing in line! Pathetic!

5. Giving Miscalls! (Do not miscall and disturb.)
Well I might be (.0001 %) of a hypocrite here because I give the occasional miscalls to my buddies. Just to remind them of the wedgies I am about to give them (actually I receive them but that’s not the point). It is a stupid and a cheap trend and it needs to stop. Please call instead of doing miss-call. I understand the urge to irritate someone but there are other ways too like keeping a severed finger in their lunchbox. Yeah that’ll do the trick.
And the police were wondering why crime has increased...

It is hard to resist but once you do, you do-do. Here the expression is moot but nonetheless stop it guys and if you support these statements given by me do let me know by your comments.
And she is frustrated?
Same as that one in the article 5 ways roads screw you in Nepal!

Untitled (Part-2)

Hiding under the sun in plain sight
But invisible that simple feeling was
Truly majestic it really felt
Not so happy not so sad
Not so white nor so black
But it was simple feeling that
took my breath away!

5 ways roads screw you in Nepal!

Being a Nepali is a proud thing. We have the Mt.Everest, the place where Buddha was born (Yeah people from around the globe Buddha was born in Nepal and not in some other country) and best of all we got our culture but everything is not that perfect. We have a failed political and bureaucratic system (Sorry you guys too and not just the politicians) but on the lighter side the thing that has not failed us is that we have still got anomalies in our countries that haunt us every day. One of them being roads and here is the first reason why.
1. Pitched roads are swimming pools!
Every biker, walker or a puppy (or a dog or any stray animal) that has been in Nepalese roads knows that Nepalese roads in monsoon are an example of swimming pools. Whether it be light rain or heavy rain we do endure the muddy pool and in most cases our clothes endure their splashes.
We have a chance at olympics this time!
We have to be careful about wearing new clothes in monsoon in fear of getting splashed and top of all that we get splashed most of the time. We do not know whether it is the fault of the government or some contractor but these things do give us problems. When tourists see this in our country they feel pity for us and we do not want that. This certainly hampers our tourism industry. While we are on tourism…..
2. Forget bungee we are in for the “ride of death”
We promote tourism. Our service industry; a good use for the rivers (except for the hydro electricity ….. ok that electricity using is obsolete because of load shedding); mountains and flora and fauna. The industry is kicking backside (we are not allowed to say a**) with tourism and the latest product is (drum roll) “Highway to Hell”. Not to rip off ACDC here but look at the picture below.

I am calling my mom if I get through!
I mean where in the world, people get to ride the bus and get the thrill of their lives at a low price. I mean it is a tragedy for people in rural areas who do not have roads but even those who do; well they would rather fly in an aero plane.
3. Strikes (Not the bowling one)!
Okay! Everyone who has visited Nepal or has been a resident of our nation knows about this. For those of you who don’t, I urge you to experience this first hand but I am not going to write anything about strikes because we are fed up about it, so here just pictures.
We want KFC!
That's too much for KFC!

Guess they didn't get KFC?
4. Street Vendors a.k.a. BAto!
We all love shops and especially street shops. The burgers; the nail polish; the panipooris , I mean we all love that don’t we but  when you’re trying to park your bike or trying to walk guess who you curse?
Not Us!

The things that we have to endure while we travel in Nepalese roads are very much curable but we do not seem to cure them. A while back government decided to relocate the street vendors but as it seems it was indeed another plan with no action.
5. Animals and deities on the road!
Remember when you accidentally killed a dog or a cat or a dinosaur. Well we have that privilege everyday in our roads. Not that we hate animals, we love them but they get in the way most of the times and disturb traffic. This gets us late at work and school and college.
         Dynamic Duo
We don’t kill cows though. In fact we worship them and we should cause they give us milk. We don’t eat them. This is how cultural we are but even our gods disturb the road sometimes and we have to wait for them to pass off.
Where is the Zebra Crossing?

We love our country and we are just trying to show what the problems are and we are not biased. So don’t feel insulted!

Untitled :(part 1)

Imagine you were flying
Soaring high above the sky
then you realize that its just a dream      
then you fly higher
because dreams are always far
whether you reach it or not!


Hurray, Bravo
You won!
 Congratulations and celebrations
You won the competition
Go celebrate,
It is your time!

All that hard work paid off,
Those sleepless nights thinking, writing, omitting and writing again,
Waiting for imagination to trigger
Probing for depth in your words,
You finally made it!
You just didn’t make it!
You won it!
You earned it!

You go to your parents,
They smile as if they saw a god,
But they did not; they are smiling for you,
You who has made them proud,
They say with a cheery voice, we raised you,
We taught you how to speak,
We fed you even when we were starving,
Now you made us happy,
You have paid us your debt,
This is our triumph,
We earned it,
You won it!
We won it!

Then you go to your friends,
They clap for you, they cheer as if you were royalty,
They say, we rooted for you,
We helped you speak when you wouldn’t want to!
We made you confident!
Now, you won; your achievement is ours too!
You won it!
So, we won it!

You then go to your teachers,
They smile and say,                                   
You turned out well,
You became a true student,
Your success is our delight,
You won it!
We won it!

You look out the window pretentious of your feat,
Gazing at the sun swimming in the vast ocean at the horizon,
The wind blowing the leaves of the coconut tree outside,
You gloat at them, And then suddenly the tree speaks,
I give you fruit, I give you oil,
I give you air to breathe,
You exist because of me,
It is our elation,
You won it!
We won it!

You are stunned, bewildered but
just as you get over it, the ocean speaks,
I provide you water,
I am inside of you,
You are a part of me and
I am a part of you!
You won!
So we won!

You become unaware of what is happening
These elements they spoke to you,
Then the Sun says, I provide you warmth,
I am source of your life,
I exist within you as fire,
I am the scorching sun,
I am your inspiration,
You won
So I won!

Now you think you have gone mad,
Insanity has gotten hold of you,
Then you look at the mirror,
You see something strange,
Behind all that vanity and pride lies
Lies the same man, who is smiling,
He is smiling because he feels so tiny compared
To the mighty sun and the grand ocean,
He feels he learned a lesson,
A winner never stands alone,
He knows that you won because you had help,
Help that you will always need!

After hearing him from the inside,
You are smiling too,
You are a victor; You demolished your pride,
You shared your victory,
Now you have truly won and
We won with you!

I am Lucky!

When I see around, I see people complaining about their lives. They complain that they don’t have good jobs, good houses but I hear most of the people complain about their luck. Everybody thinks what they deserve, what is happening in their lives is because of their luck. I am no different to these people. I believe luck is what defines our lives. 

I believe, love or hate you cannot debate that luck is the lottery for life.
People cannot see beyond their mortal eyes. They are confined not to see what future holds for them. So they choose luck to be their crystal ball or so to speak. I can relate to that very easily because I think future holds a great fortune because I believe that I am very lucky. I think that because I was given a chance to be brought into this world to do something for myself and for others. I am lucky because I have got two loving parents who love me for what I am and a loving sister who will always have my back even when I am down. It is not always wealth that matters when luck comes to our lives. It is love and compassion that matter in our life. I am proud to say that I’ve got both.

I am lucky because I have got my friends behind me, who support and care for me. Anyone who has friends may feel the same way but I especially feel that. I am lucky to be alive in a country where preacher of peace and love was born. When I see people feeling depressed even though they’ve got more than me, I want to say to them, feel lucky friends. This is your life, take control. Be what you are and cherish your moments in life. Life can be hard but it’s not hard if you take control.

I don’t know what other people think about luck. Luck is not what brings misery or wealth in your life but it’s the thing that brings you happiness and sorrow in some occasions. But it’s the same luck that gives you strength to smile even in sorrow. I am happy that I am lucky enough to be born to feel pain, misery, hate because without them love, compassion, faith and happiness wouldn’t have any meaning. This may present as extreme optimism to everyone but let me ask a question in a world where people are fighting and dying and you take a little leap of faith and you succeed in it, who would be happy? It is you who would be happy but then there is doubt that you’ll not succeed. That doesn’t mean failure because only success doesn’t mean happiness, does it? Even if you didn’t succeed, so what you tried and trust me no one fails at this because when it comes to happiness trying is succeeding.

People should feel lucky with what they have and they should be thankful to God. Luck is what you feel to be measure of your extent of happiness and happiness is a gift that is equal. It is never too late to be happy and be lucky because we know luck is a form of happiness and happiness is joy and joy is love and love is our luck. Everyone has love in their life. So, we are all lucky, aren’t we?

Peace is dead!

Look there she’s walking,
Her tiny feet are making those cute little noises,
Hey! Don’t push her! She’s just a child!
Peace is learning to walk,
Don’t disturb her go play with your friends
Terror, Learn to be her big brother!

She is a young woman now,
Everyone loves her,
They are tempted to be at her side,
But he won’t let them,
Terror only loves his sister to be at his side,
He is afraid to let her go,
He embraces her suitors but never lets her free!

He thinks he’s her big brother,
He has to look out for her,
He tests her suitors but none of them pass!
She is tired and depressed but he doesn’t listen!
He feels it’s his duty,
Violence, his accomplice agrees,
Together they silence her every word!

Now she’s grown old of laziness,
But her brother is still young,
He wants his sister to get married but,
Nobody wants her anymore,
She’s too old!

She is dead,
It was because of old age
Or maybe it was loneliness,
But terror doesn’t care,
He wants to punish the suitors for not wanting her,
Foolish terror! But his folly will cost us!
Flee now there is no one to save us!
Flee because violence has slithered out of his burrow
And peace can’t save us
Because SHE IS DEAD! 

The Motherland always wins!

The silence was deadly
But it didn't last long
The bullets went firing
Men died!

There were communists,
There were Democrats,
There sides were different
But the blood was same!

Families were killed
Soldiers were wounded
But the Governments won
So did their Motherland!

The motherland always wins
No matter how much destruction there is
No matter how many of her sons die
The motherland always wins!

This Valentines’

When I see the stars it reminds of you,
When I see the oceans it reminds me of your face,
But when I close my eyes, you ain’t there!
I don’t know why but it is what it is,
So I promised myself not to close my eyes anymore! 

You seem to drive my life
You are there when I work,
You are there when I am reading,
But I can’t dream of you when I sleep,
So, I promised myself that I would not dream again.

You are in my thoughts,
You have invaded my life,
You are a happy soul that guides me,
But I never think of you when I am happy,
So I promised myself never to be happy again.

But my life is a hell now,
I don’t have you or my sleep,
I don’t my love or my dreams,
I don’t have you or my happiness,
So I promised myself that this Valentines’
I would confess my love to you,
And I could dream again dream about you,
Be happy again happy for you.

You seem sweet and funny
And you’ll be mine soon, this Valentines’ day,
But I won’t promise to bring down the moon,
I promise you though to love you for you,
Cherish you for your love,
Love that is eternal!

Beats me!

The streets are noisy
They chant their mantras, their slogans,
They want freedom they say,
Is it a cult? I ask,
Beats me! I can’t find what all the fuss is about!

I am a dictator but honestly,
I don’t control you,
I control your fears and
Your fears control you,
Why is that?
Beats me! I destroyed all my fears long time ago!

I killed my enemies,
I killed my fears,
There was blood and there was pain,
There was misery and hate.
Beats me! I have never been killed before!

I will be……..

It seems to me, my hopes and dreams are too big,
They are what I would want,
My needs, my hopes,
That one day I would be Superman.
Yes, Superman who can fly,
Who can even shoot lasers from his eyes,
Who would save the Damsel in distress,
Who is my hero, who gets the girl,
But I am not from Krypton and that is not possible!

I will be Bill Gates,
Create an empire out of nothing,
Be the richest man of the Earth,
Whose photos cover the Forbes magazines,
Who would have all the money in the world,
Who would be a humanitarian,
But I am not a humanitarian,
And so it is not possible.

I will be Tom Cruise,
Act in a couple of movies,
Marry a hot T.V. star,
Do some action flicks,
Travel around the world,
But I hate travelling,
And so I don’t want it!

I will be what I want to be,
I will be me, I will be my best,
I will do what I do best,
I will be me in 10 years,
And that’s for sure!

Beating around the bush!

The idea is to catch your train of thought with the first sentence that comes into my mind but I am not certain if this passes as one. There are actually two reasons why I am struggling to write it, the first is because I do not know you and second is that you do not know me. If any of the either case would have been different than it would have been easier for me to do what I have stated in my first sentence but it is not. I cannot do anything about the first condition that is of me knowing who you are but the second case that is the mystery of who I am is a thing that I can help you with. I am the writer who wrote this article.

You must be mad at me right now because I just gave you a silly answer. You already knew that but if you recall I never said anything about not stating the facts about me that you already did know. At this stage I might sound like a lunatic, a narcissist perhaps but we are just starting to know me aren’t we? It would be unwise to have a pre-determined view of my personality because it would be unfair to judge a person with just one fact about him. It was just a peep at what I am and it is just common courtesy to allow me to introduce myself before I get to the matter that we are supposed to evaluate together here. Yes, we are to evaluate and I say we because I evaluate this matter by writing and expressing myself and you on the receiving end evaluate it by reading my expressions.

Talking about my expressions since I have mentioned it, I who was inspired by the people around me learned a very valuable lesson by observing them and that lesson was to hide my expressions as long as I could but here I am contradicting the ideology that inspired me. Do not get me wrong here I do value this ideology but I do not live by it because I believe being true to me is the only way to success and being jubilant and full of expression is the only comfortable psyche for me. The inspiration here is anti-inspiration of some sort like when you see a person jumping off a cliff and dying a painful death you do get inspired but just not to jump. It is true that I had to rely on people who deferred my ideas growing up but it helped me learn a lot about what not to do. The road to success for the people who surrounded me was so long that they believed that the path I was on indeed was a shortcut and boy did they hate shortcuts. They despised what I would think and they even despised what I was to them, a rebel.

So the logical thing would be to drop the act and go with the flow but like a stubborn brat I went with a ideology that I truly live by which is “Either it’s my way or it’s the Highway” and finally here I am writing to you (an anonymous figure) about my exploits, not getting to the main thing, wasting your time with this unnecessary nonsense about me and justifying the main idea of this whole article which is Beating around the bush!


I never knew anyone who could speak openly to anyone. Everyone had their own dirty little secrets with them. I never understood that because I was always open to all the people I knew. The irony was I could not see that they were not interested to listen to me. “You try to please everyone but the matter of the fact is you want everyone to listen to you.” This as I feel is the nearest sentence that could describe my behavior. I never listened to other people seriously and I have had a share of experiences because of this. I became at point of depression when I wished to hang myself. Don’t worry I didn’t die. I didn’t die because I became myself. I became me.

Getting to the main point I don’t like people who don’t listen to me. I am not talking about the people who don’t listen to what other people say but I am talking about the people who just don’t listen to me. I hate those people. You might say the writer is gone mad but just remember for once about the time when someone didn’t listen to you. What did you feel? You felt angry didn’t you? You may still be angry now remembering the fact that guy didn’t listen to you. That is what I always go through. People take me for granted and somehow they find ways to mistreat me and that is why I feel depressed. Is it because my face is a bummer or I talk too much? I know my face is not a bummer so, it must be the over talking thing. I have had this problem. By now most of you are uninterested in what I am trying to say but listen this you know me better than anybody. Why? You may ask. I will give you a reason it’s because I am you. I am your friend. I am your inner voice talking and saying things to you. I think that because of mind wandering .Mind wandering is the experience of thoughts not remaining on a single topic for a long period of time. It is common during mind-wandering to engage in mental time travel—the consideration of personally relevant events from the past and the anticipation of events in the future. Studies have demonstrated a prospective bias to spontaneous thought because individuals tend to engage in more future than past related thoughts during mind-wandering. All people suffer this problem but the problem is they do not share this and a voice like me is created to bring your feelings out.

People often tend to tell you that you have flaws and that you are weak. I say they are true unless you stand and do nothing about it. People will always keep talking but it’s you that does the work. People tell you can’t do this do that or something else. You take the criticism till your breaking point. I don’t blame you because anyway you are right in your own matter but you can’t fight all people but you can beat these people. You should know better that you are not somebody between anybody. You are special because you listen to the voice in your head. These people make you feel like they rule the world but the matter of the fact is you rule the world. They cannot exist a day without you and that is the reason why you are special. These people are so fed up in criticizing you that they have no creativity left. You got to use that weakness as your advantage. I will be honest it’s not me that got to improve, it’s you. Most people believe in hard work but I know these values do not work these days but I know that is what everyone needs. I am not a philosopher but just a guy sharing what I’ve learnt. Work hard and be you but nothing else.

My Drunk Cousin

When I finished my grade 10, my cousin took me to a party one evening. We were a group of 5 including me, my cousin and 3 of his friends. It was a birthday bash for one of the mates of my cousin. All of us had a lot of fun that night. At the end of the night, my cousin was all drunk and he was barely left standing. As a minor I wasn’t allowed to drink and so I was the only one who was conscious. I took my cousin home with me that night. We reached home at 11 and he was murmuring something on the way to my room. When he reached there he jumped to the bed with his shoes on. I tried to take off his shoes and at that moment I heard what he was murmuring. He was saying “Ignorance is bliss. Nothing matters until you matter.”

I thought the alcohol was too much for him because I have heard that people become philosophers when they drink. I had even seen it on movies because it is a cliché. There I was receiving, first hand drunk talk by my cousin who was 3 years older than me. It didn’t matter what he spoke at that moment because I was tired and frankly nobody looks for wisdom at 11’o clock in the night. I wanted some shut eye and so I took a pillow and a blanket and jumped into the couch. It was an intense night because I was afraid that something awful would happen before I went to the party and I wasn’t wrong because the night had not yet ended.

The things that happen afterward were very weird and I am not still sure that I was awake and it wasn’t a dream because I saw my drunken cousin wake up from my bed and start writing on the wall with the pencils in my desk. He was writing the same thing he was murmuring earlier. I tried to calm him down but he wouldn’t stop writing. He wrote what he wanted and when he finished it, he went back to sleep as if nothing had happened. I was irritated by his shenanigans and kicked him in the butt as he slept peacefully and silently. I couldn’t sleep anymore so to pass my time I went for my laptop. There I googled what he wrote on the wall. I found many things but the thing I found remotely even related to him was a syllabus for his Philosophy class for his college which contained this topic. Topic was related to humans and their mindset. Then I checked his bag and found his homework assignment marked and “F” for the same topic.

I was simply shocked because I knew he was an ace student and there wasn’t any possibility that he would screw up his studies. Then again, I remembered he was little tense the preceding week. I read his paper and I found that his curriculum was above my understanding. I was shocked that by the depth he probed the topic and even then he got an “F”. I was petrified that I couldn’t compete with the likes of the toppers of his college even if I was at the same level as them but I was disheartened. I had to understand what he wrote even if it meant I had to give up my sleep. I looked at the watch and it was already 12-30 but it didn’t matter. What mattered was to know what I had read. It may sound as a silly impulse from any other individual’s point of view but it was plain curiosity. Thus, I googled anything and everything about the topic, from the definitions to examples, from the characteristics of human psychology to the depth of human understanding. It was far above my level as I see it now but finally I understood it and after I understood what the topic was I read the paper that my cousin had written again and this time I understood what the problem was clearly.

After understanding what he had done to deserve an “F”, I decided to help him. I decided to write to do the paper for him. I know he wouldn’t accept the paper if I gave him but if he read what I wrote he could at least judge it.  Then I kept typing until I was shocked once again by my cousin because he was awake and reading what I was typing.  I was amazed by his powers of suppressing a hangover. The first thing he asked was what I was doing at with the computer at 5 am in the morning! I told him all about the events of the night and he was smiling at the end of my narration. I showed him what I wrote and when he read it I asked him to judge it. He refused at first but after lots of persuasion he gave me a “C”. That hung-over idiot gave me a C (not exactly that day per se but after he was sober).

The “C” he gave me was more like an “A” for me at that moment. I had the chance to prove my research and my intelligence and I did. I wrote a paper for a topic that was the part of a philosophy class at a college and I got a “C” when I was at grade 10.It was an OMG moment. Still today, that “C” is more important to me than being the topper of my high-school. It was the thing I was proud of and I am and I always will be. From that day onwards I have harnessed my curiosity of learning and researching and if somebody asks me today “What matters to you most?” then I will say “My curiosity!” It is the thing that granted me my most important achievement.