This Valentines’

When I see the stars it reminds of you,
When I see the oceans it reminds me of your face,
But when I close my eyes, you ain’t there!
I don’t know why but it is what it is,
So I promised myself not to close my eyes anymore! 

You seem to drive my life
You are there when I work,
You are there when I am reading,
But I can’t dream of you when I sleep,
So, I promised myself that I would not dream again.

You are in my thoughts,
You have invaded my life,
You are a happy soul that guides me,
But I never think of you when I am happy,
So I promised myself never to be happy again.

But my life is a hell now,
I don’t have you or my sleep,
I don’t my love or my dreams,
I don’t have you or my happiness,
So I promised myself that this Valentines’
I would confess my love to you,
And I could dream again dream about you,
Be happy again happy for you.

You seem sweet and funny
And you’ll be mine soon, this Valentines’ day,
But I won’t promise to bring down the moon,
I promise you though to love you for you,
Cherish you for your love,
Love that is eternal!

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