
Think about that Porsche that you wanted. Or was it a BMW? Doesn't matter, what matters is that you wanted something. You had a dream and that proves that you have a drive. Well that wish for something or that dream is a proof of who you are. It describes who you are. Your dreams reflect your personality and who you aspire yourself to be.

But what if somebody had no dreams or didn't know what he or she wanted to be? Would he or she reflect nothing? Would he or she still be a part of society? Would he or she ever figure his or her dreams out? Well, these questions make me ponder every night and make me feel more and more suffocated. See, I had it all sorted out but nothing went according to plan and I became an aimless man; A dreamless subject of the ever ambitious society.

See, in my society the person have small dreams of having a big house, cars, and a beautiful wife and means to serve their ends. But that is not my dream. Even if that dream seems shallow to many people from my society they accept it widely. If someone fails to acknowledge this dream then he or she is not fit and is damned in society. In honesty this damnation feels lighter than having to succumb to their dream.

It seems that I don’t have a dream or an aim right now. I need to figure it out and there are lots of people in the world who feel the same. Even without a dream I am choosy of what I do and that is fine. I have time to figure out what I want to do best .That may take my whole lifetime but it would be worth it. I am searching right now and I am young but there are so many people out there who have succumbed to society and have given up their search of their personal dreams. I feel sorry for them.

Yes, material wealth maybe a dream of someone and I respect their dreams but if they want me to chase the same, I have a problem. Here is where I have reached an impasse. I have not yet found what I wish to do. I do not succumb to society then what do I do? My conscience says time will tell me the answer but I do know this about time.

Time and Tide waits for none!

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