So, one day he comes up and tells me,
"Mate, I am having problems! Serious Problems!",
and I said, "Don't tell me she wasn't 18?",
He replied, "It is much more serious!
I can't write!"
Now, I've known him for a long time,
from bottle problems to girl problems,
this cheery mate of mine never came to me,
but now as his mortality was flashing before his eyes,
He just realized he was facing death.
Did he fear mortal wound?
No! But he did fear the fatality of losing the touch,
to write and create words that inspire,
that never expire and live on as immortals,
his characters larger than life itself and he more of a practical man,
man that had no plan with rugged shirt and a dirty shoes,
ink all over his pants or is it some other juice?
I dare not ask for his mistresses are none of my concern,
he my friends is a true artist!
He doesn't paint, on the contrary he is can't draw,
but he sure can write, used to anyways,
those rhymes and those nuances and those emotions,
women moaned with orgasm when they read his words,
men cried with testosterone filled cries,
children sang songs with the free verse he wrote,
it was as if God spoke through him!
Never could they say that this booze soaked man,
with love life as big as his mustache, Short and rough!
Now, this man is at a writer's block and how am I to guide
He is a legend and I am a writer,
there's a difference in that,
But a writer's block is a writer's block,
and only a writer can get over it,
not a legend, because legends can't get writer's block,
They retire! And so he did!