
The gods had thunder and power,
They were immortals and non-beings,
creators of the world and the elements,
yet not far from emotions of humans!

Fear, anger, hatred and love,
all of these emotions they project,
risking all their credo as Gods,
are they even Gods?

But they are the ones who make it right,
the decision makers, the law,
the jury and the judge,
of Greece and the world itself!


I have no sleep tonight
Things did not go as planned today,
things come up without notice,
death itself plays its part.

But the thought of failure haunts me,
taunts me into submission,
to give up all that I have done,
yet I muster up strength to fight on!

What a stupid thought,
fight on, struggle,
Haven't I learned enough?
Oh yes! I remember,
I am an insomniac and I never sleep!

I have no complaints

You have taken me hostage and the idea,
the idea of the perpetual motion is at your reach,
and yet you my friend, cannot grasp it,
because fear and guilt cloud judgment,
right is left and wrong is true but false is correct,
but the bottom line is that you are confused!

That's immortality in that paper right there,
read it, achieve omnipotence you moron, 
but you start your tiresome monologue,
You've waited for this moment, I know,
You have had your fair share of defeats I know,
This is your moment, I know, Cash it!

But like every other antagonist you make a mistake,
you give the protagonist a chance,
but I am no protagonist, I am the anti-hero,
I do not know mercy, I know death, I know revenge,
But your pitiful existence is a mere play,
What would I do without you?

You are the yang to my ying,
My sweet grape wine when I am your lemon,
you and I share a deep bond, deeper than mighty love,
longevity of hope and the fury of the anger,
and then death do us apart,
But this deep bond of hate never ends, does it?

That Pain

Sing the songs of the war, then peace,
stanzas, lines and rhymes, bravery,
the stories of courage and the mighty victor,
the loser shall perish and be the dust in the wind,
time changes and alters, history becomes a myth,
reality becomes a story and life becomes a legend!

Soldiers, warriors and kings they stand equal,
Aye orders there may be and the chain of command,
but the blade and the bullet know no distinction,
then the blood drops and satiates the hunger,
left, right, front and back enemies all around,
Fight not just mortals but the reality itself!

Blood and gore, and death collects,
pain and agony, Satan smiles,
hate and anger, vices and sins pile up and you,
a soldier, mother, a son, a lover, a father, a child,
you are the wounded, be that your own guns,
fire them away, like a reflection in the mirror!

It is not like a moving picture or a simulation,
where you could choose sides, death or life,
but then you do choose, gun or agony,
agony of waiting, persistence and patience,
that pain, that pain of the wife, mother and child,
that pain of the motherland! Ahh that pain!

Shunya is Zero

The universe they say, was created in a big bang,
Energy, light, heat, plasma and matter, anti-matter,
all that it was to be created, was created,
But then what was the void, before all of that!
It was then I was answered, with that white board,
White like the eternal emptiness,
An empty canvass to be painted,
Shunya with nothing and lost in that Zero,
the canvas slowly painting itself!

Then where was the brush and where was the hand,
the canvas was in a harmonic swing,
it was Mozart I think, that distinct rhythm,
I should have guessed the way the colors moved,
Every stoke and every swish, flush of lights, explosions,
and then creation, hot red and cooling down,
not the paint, not the art but the canvas itself,
Infinite art from the shunya!

Then it the canvas gets bigger, bigger as it paints itself,
Stretches to the absence, the void,
 and the white board strikes me even more,
Do the words stretch beyond  the realms of the board,
does the ink spill outside the canvas,
and then does it paint or does it travel far,
far to create a new canvas and a new art,
but the void still exists beyond the realms of the canvas,
And the creator, the painter and the artist fills the absence!

Everything seems alright

Maybe I was lost in this maze which people call world,
and I was preoccupied with the fact that I did not know,
your existence was in fact not a coincidence and I,
Miss Sunshine was confused what I wanted,
I didn't find you until now, until all that past went away,
you fair maiden were found just to save me!

I was there to save you, save you from loneliness,
you and me in our own distances and barriers,
barriers of geography, biology, gender and race,
even the hundred meter sprint was too far,
missing you every second of every dreadful step,
But one step closer to where you are!

Maybe were foolish or childish even,
but we knew we were strangers yet familiar faces,
what if we spoke the same and acted different,
what if you were as lonely as I am,
what if I was as interested as you were,
We would only know when we meet and we shall meet,
and everything will seem alright!

Can I say, I still miss you?

I know you never felt the same for me,
Or the fact that I was just your friend,
But I always had the right to care for you,
No matter the amount of attention you gave to me,
You were always the center of my attention,
But you never noticed that because you were busy,
Busy with your world and I was a small part of it!

It hurt when you left without saying goodbye,
you were like the leaves of winter,
frozen and cold to my presence,
and the roses never bloomed after that,
It was ever lasting winter with tears falling like dew,
and you leaving made a void,
not in my heart but in my life!

But then you called back,
I never heard from you,
Even the world of web had no idea,
that the spider didn't want to weave any webs,
and the string was already broken!
But after all of that ,
Can I say, I still miss you?

Writing Papers

I never imagined the view from the dorm would be this good,
Neither did I imagine the full extent of the possibility,
that I, would be studying in a college,
College with its mighty glory and reputation.
But the fact was, I was only after education,
After my previous recollection,
Given my humble beginnings and humble start,
My love for the Liberal Arts!

This love dragged me into writing,
Writing and testing and pushing,
Myself into Interviews, SATs and College Applications,
Finally worth the wait searching for  a competent institution,
Competent for all its resources and might,
Google and College board, my best friends in the night!
An finally, one day the hour of the imminent decision,
Heart Pounding moment of exact Precision!

Precision of a wise choice as it granted me favors,
Favors of classes, professors and ultimately a placement,
placement into the system of valued education, 
into the life of a college kid,
Kid from humble start,
In the Liberal Arts!
And after all the scholarship and fee waivers,
finally leading to Writing Papers!

I have no idea what to write!

So, one day he comes up and tells me,
"Mate, I am having problems! Serious Problems!",
and I said, "Don't tell me she wasn't 18?",
 He replied, "It is much more serious! I can't write!"
Now, I've known him for a long time, 
from bottle problems to girl problems, 
this cheery mate of mine never came to me,
but now as his mortality was flashing before his eyes,
He just realized he was facing death.

Did he fear mortal wound?
No! But he did fear the fatality of losing the touch,
to write and create words that inspire,
that never expire and live on as immortals,
his characters larger than life itself and he more of a practical man,
man that had no plan with rugged shirt and a dirty shoes,
ink all over his pants or is it some other juice?
I dare not ask for his mistresses are none of my concern,
he my friends is a true artist!

He doesn't paint, on the contrary he is can't draw,
but he sure can write, used to anyways,
those rhymes and those nuances and those emotions,
women moaned with orgasm when they read his words,
men cried with testosterone filled cries,
children sang songs with the free verse he wrote,
it was as if God spoke through him!

Never could they say that this booze soaked man,
with love life as big as his mustache, Short and rough!

Now, this man is at a writer's block and how am I to guide him,
He is a legend and I am a writer,
there's a difference in that,
But a writer's block is a writer's block,
and only a writer can get over it,
not a legend, because legends can't get writer's block,
They retire! And so he did! 

Status Quo

Things that go bump in the night are not the scariest,
But the ones that shine in the light are,
hidden in plain sight as they roam,
roam free and wild these monsters,
The devil we know may be more innocent,
Than the devil we don't because righteousness is  only skin deep,
The real face hides behind the mask of integrity.

Integrity of dreams, hopes and personalities,
Demagogues and their hoodlums proving right for wrong,
Wrong for right and it seems right that we follow,
Who wouldn't follow a man in white suit in daylight?
For those in the shadows dress black and speak of honesty, 
honesty to self that scares us the most.
Honesty for both right and wrong committed by self!

That petrifies us, for all of us are sinners,
Under the table, behind closed doors, behind shut windows,
We all have something to hide, something to confide,
Someone somewhere someplace always lies,
To the mere fact of the sin he commits,
and he looks for a way out, just like others,
and there stands the false prophet ready to get them under his hood!

His hood is big and wide, covers everything,
Sins, good deeds, thoughts of progress and life,
life he so holds dearly holds precious,
Yet claims every life as his own to taken,
taken by force and might, future bleak,
 that future of that life he claims to take!

The prophet lives on even as his mortal body withers,
because he walks in the daylight and wears white,
scares the truth tellers away for they scare,
they are the demons and he the righteous,
they are the shadows and he the light,
His heart the darkest and their hearts the white!

Lines that Paint

A picture has a thousand words,
But they miss the voices,
The subtle tone, volume and change in tempo,
As these voices roam,
So does my mind,
Will I ever be like them?

Then there's him,
The loudest of those voices,
Resonating like an Echo among all others,
Pushing everyone around him forward,
forward to the horizon,
Where the colors shine!
Am I on the same boat?

He answers, "Of course you are,
Paint all you can and wipe with white,
paint again, until you see a masterpiece,
And then I will say it was there all along!"

But the first step is the hardest,
The Pen is the heaviest,
The paper the hardest to carve,
Harder than stone,
Nevertheless, I will carve and I will travel
travel, just like he said on the same boat!

No Heading

Why is it that you think that?
I think that because I believe in this,
But the fact of the matter is,
These twisted words have no meaning,
For their ambiguous flow have no purpose,
Like a ship without a crew,
Like me without you!

Like me without you,
Like a mountain without the morning dew,
and the train without its rail,
existing and useless at the same time,
incapable of a majestic sight,
Without a path, Without a Heading!

But then I am independent,
your existence is but a mere confidence,
To drive, to push, to turn, to shift,
This train with an old engine,
With an extreme makeover,
Because a rail is nothing without a train anyways!

Sometimes, I don't think!

To think that I have eyes,
yet I see no more than a sheep,
Loud and vicious are those voices,
Sight is the least of my worries!

The picture painted in the canvas,
Meets no urgency to my interests,
But the meat in the plate does,
For all sheep are lions in the den!

Learn from the past wise cattle,
Learn that four legs need not make you same,
Fur is different than wool,
and roar is different from a bleat!

Yet the monkeys command me,
Monkeys with their tails reverse,
Lion or sheep doesn't matter,
because a cage is a cage, no matter what!

Won't go home without you!

I am trying be easy when you say Goodbye,
But the pain that you leave makes me cry,
If it was tomorrow it would have been better,
Still, I stand at the terminal holding your letter.
and I can't still figure what went wrong,
What was it that shook the foundations so strong?
I can't say goodbye to you,
Please take me too!

It must be too bad to think it through,
To know that what you saw was true,
When you know the guy was real,
It was your heart he wanted to steal,
But you decided to guy anyway,
On the day that was supposed to be his Birthday!
I can't say goodbye to you,
Please take me too!

I was happy for a moment to hear your voice,
When it was months we were apart without a choice,
I know that cheap tricks aren't my style,
But I wanted to surprise you because it's been a while,
However, you had to go no matter what,
Ended something that you once gave a start!
Still I want to say, please take me too,
I won't go home without you!


You know that you have that special talent.
That eye for the best things in the world.
You could spot a renaissance painting with a touch,
You could judge a wine by the sniff of its bottle,
But you my friend are clueless for the matters of the heart.
The only skill that matters in the emotional fray!

You could save a child from a burning home, 
or even win the martial art tournament, 
But your talents lay at waste,
when even the simplest words hurt you like thorns!
Nay daggers! Daggers through your heart!
You and heart, your precious heart!

You think I am your enemy now, don't you?
A man who uncovered your weakness, 
that is your folly friend, for I am you!
That voice inside your head, suppressed for all those years!
Suppressed for all that greatness, and what for?
Just to get hurt by tears! Those tears!

That lovely face of hers reminds of a memory,
A memory not real but imaginative, of a boy,
Who loved a Princess that never existed,
a figment of his imagination!
All that he could when he saw her for real was stay numb,
Numb because her tears hurt like daggers!


I am waiting for a girl to notice me,
The way that I notice her smile.
That smile of mixed emotions 
that could make you wonder, 
Is this what Da Vinci saw?
No, probably not! 
He could not fathom the feeling with a mere painting!

Maybe I am too naïve to call you a work of art, 
or maybe the world is a fool, 
To tell me that such emotions are but fool's errands.
But the fool is only a fool when the wise say, 
but who is to name the wise when fools run free!
Fools like me!
Fools for you, dear you!

You shall be the dauntless, the nameless, 
yet you have thousand names.
Beloved, Amore and so many more
but then would it be wise to call you, 
When I do not know you or how you feel.
Maybe it is just my eyes and emotion's flow!
When I see your face with that glow!
Keep Smiling!

All the lonely People, where do they all belong

All the lonely people, where do they all belong!
Their eyes watery and their faces sad,
No traces of smile that would make you feel glad!
Anger and hatred in their minds,
Nothing therapy could confine.
Murder and violence is the cruel divide for them,
All the lonely people, where do they all belong!

Minutes will surpass and yet you will not see,
The depth of the solitude they have succumb to.
Every day is distant from the memories of the past.
Neither Man, nor woman nor child, no one seems to escape the fate.
Family is just a façade and loneliness is extreme.
Extreme to the point of isolation!
All the lonely people, where do they all belong!

It is not a matter of love but a matter of respect.
Respecting the existence of another human,
Respecting the virtue of another man,
Respecting the issues the person deals with,
No, that is not love, that is respect.
They all seek that in the end and hope for it.
All the lonely people, where do they all belong!

No past anymore

Delete what you've seen, it is not fun anymore.
Even the harmless memories seem to be painful.
The cotton candy and the ice cream,
It was all but a fading moment.
No more of those memories and no more nostalgia.
No more thinking of the past and no more melancholy.

I am a man of no sins and no good deeds.
The slate is not wiped clean but it is shinier.
So shiny, that you will be blinded from a look.
That blindness will cost you more than you imagine.
My past is not a map of my soul,
and I am not a nation to be explored.

But, how will you see with those blind eyes?
The desire is overwhelming but the cost is deadly.
Or is it that you are already blind?
Has your desire already claimed your consciousness?
Have you already snooped into someone's past?
Or have you looked into yours and blinded yourself?

When you married that gold-digger

I said it’s a risk 
But you took it anyway
don't back down now, 
There's more to come
because this is real life
not like kindergarten where you had bubble gum.

Now you have to take the highway
It won't be easy going in there alone
Heartbroken and broke 
But it is the consequence that you took
And you decided you wanted it bigger,
When you married that gold-digger.

You think one thing
When your brain tells you other
All those years of evolution are at fault I guess
When can't even think straight
Think about other important things
Think about being independent and flying with wings.

But you would rather want your needs satisfied
Needs other than basic that would seem unnecessary
Slave of testosterone and mammary glands
It's the thing that you want more
Money to pour into that façade and poise
Getting ready for alimony and divorce with noise.

Hey! I get it that you would fancy a girl
But there are more important things like economy,
Environment and water that degrade everyday
Poverty that would haunt every soul
but a self made man like you would spend it all
On entertainment than a righteous call.

A pocketful of money,
Wouldn't you want that sunny?

Comparison of one's life to a car

Imagine your life is a car
and your consciousness is the driver
the driver is different from Africa to Asia
but the car is same,
environment and surroundings change the driver
just like they mould your consciousness and personality.
Now it's easier, ain't it?
The engine is as you like,
In the front or out in the back,
your choice of color, red ,yellow ,black, pink.
But the combination might be different,
powerful engine, color light.
If you know what I mean,
Whatever floats your boat.

Writer's block

Pen Stops
Tears Drop
Try Again
Fail Now
Try more
Heart Pounds
Depressing Sounds
Release Hounds
Howling lines
Boring times
Blind Eye
Frozen Hands
Useless Rhymes
Doodling Ink
Think Hard
Shining Stars
Up high
Hazy Smoke
Sober Eyes
heavy Heads
Thinking Cap
Coffee Breaks
Writer's block
Pen Stops
Tears Drop

Try Again!

(A poem posted here after a very long time! Even though I write a lot of poems, I do not post those.)

The Stereotypes!

I am one of the stereotypes. The white guy, the brown dude, the nerd, the jock, the blonde, the Asian and so on, the list goes on.  Choose to put me on a category, if you already haven't. Now, I am that person, you will define my typecast attributes. My looks, my hair, my clothes, my style, my accent and all of my traits will be determined by the stereotype, instead of my actions. Ok my accent and my walk are actions but I am referring to different kind of action.

I am referring to all the things done by a person that count more than what define their "stereotypes". I mean, you should judge a person from his actions, not from impressions. Sometimes stereotypes fit perfectly (trust me I know), but most of the times, people are more than what they seem to be. Some people are so awesome; you cannot even determine the amount of awesomeness from the outer evaluation. Most of these times, these stereotypes fail to characterize the person. Yet, these stereotypes prevail in society.

The reason could be movies. But wait, movies only reflect what society is, movies can't be the source. The only possible explanation could be the government. Yes! It must be government propaganda to create stereotypes and puzzle people. That way, they will meddle themselves with petty things and will not question what goes around. But I cannot think that it is a valid reason because it means that government has such stupid plans. It can't be that stupid.

So, my crusade to uncover stereotype origin begins. I am unsure that it might be found but I am sure that I will make myself capable to make distinctions based on character and morality rather than stereotype. I wish that I could be objective about this issue, as much as possible because it will make my character and morality better. Maybe, I do not know the difference between all the good things and all the bad things right now, but this journey could make me skilled enough to do it! 


Goku is always late. Sometimes his spaceship arrives late. At other times, he is dead. Once, he got a deadly virus in him that caused him sickness and he couldn't fight the Androids.  Now, if you are wondering who Goku is then here is the revelation. Goku is the lead character from the Animated Series Dragonball, Dragonball Z and Dragonball GT. If you are not a fan of the series then it's ok. If you just hate the fact that the show horrifically takes 10 episodes to build a fully functional spirit bomb then welcome to the club.

Why am I talking about an animated series? Why aren't I covering an issue that has wide repercussions and that is more at value? Well, I am a fan of the show and I decide what I write. (Kind of like," I am not in danger. I am the DANGER. I am the one who knocks!") So, in spirit of that thought, here are some interesting facts about the show. There are 3 sets of dragon balls shown in the show. One is the original Dragonballs from the Dragonball. Then, there are the Dragonballs from planet Namek of Dragonball Z. These were made in the fictional planet. Finally, there are the Blackstar Dragonballs from Dragonball GT.

The Dragonballs from the original series, when collected would give the collector one wish. The wish could be triggered by summoning Shinron the dragon. The dragon would grant the wish and the seven balls would randomly fly away to different ends of the Earth. It could even bring back someone who is dead.  But you can only bring dead people back once (from the original show).  The Namek Dragonballs are bigger and they grant three wishes. They also disperse in the planet, once the wishes are granted. The Blackstar Dragonballs grants only one wish but the world explodes in a year of the granting of the wish. The Dragonballs however disperse into far corners of the galaxy.

So, I have all of this knowledge about a animated show. If I had this much knowledge about brain surgery, I would have been called smarty pants. But I have knowledge about this thing and I am proud about that. Everybody needs entertainment in life and this is mine. (Along with other 768 cartoons and TV shows that is aired on TV. Including WWE! I just WWE and I am not ashamed to say that even as an 18 year old kid.)

Remember! Remember!! The 5th of November!

Today is not a day of triumph but a day of failure. Today is not a day of orderly justice but a day of harsh decisions. I remind you of today's date. Today is the 5th of November, the day when the infamous Guy Box planned to blow up the British Parliament. He was caught before he could successfully complete the act. He met his demise but it created a following that made him immortal in the populace even today.  He is a global symbol of public outrage. He is the face of the Anonymous mask.

Now you must be thinking "What"! I see that most kids today remember the movie 'V for Vendetta' or if the kid is classy, the graphic novel. But the history dates far back. Anyways, the point is, Guy Fox wanted to show the one bird salute to "THE MAN" and he became the symbol of mutiny. His face themed mask spread like wildfire after the digital age. The chief exploiter of his symbol is 'Wiki leaks' that has been the controversy of the past few years.

Now, I do not think that it is necessary to outline what "Wiki Leaks" has done. But what it has adopted is a symbol, a symbol that has given every nobody out there a voice. Everyone is Martin Luther King Jr. with their inspiring words in the internet. The courage to speak in the open is lacking for most but some do have the tenacity to do it all out in the open. Nevertheless, the mask still survives, as an identity of public protest and anonymity.

The mask has invaded public buses, trains, museums, schools, colleges and so on. These areas are filled with anti bourgeois movement that, general populace has a hard time finding who the bourgeois are. The significance of the mask remains amidst controversy. All you can say is, "Love or hate, you cannot debate, it is at the epicenter of all controversy!"

Remember Remember
The Fifth of November
The Gunpowder Treason and Plot
I See No Reason
The Gunpowder Treason
Should Ever Be Forgot

Sponge Bob

How can you be square and yellow? How do you live underwater? How do you have a pet snail? Why doesn't Plankton wear any clothes? Why does Patrick live under a rock? Why is Squidward pissed off all the time? How do you make a crabby patty? Why does Mr. Crab have a whale daughter? Why are you cheerful all the time? Why do you even wear pants? Why does that squirrel live underwater? Where are your parents? Why is your teacher so mean?

Why does the pirate talk like that? Has he got piles? Is he on drugs? Does he drink too much alcohol and get wasted?  Is he really a pirate? Is he an actor on a pirate costume? IS he just a painting? What does he eat? Why doesn't he hear when the kids say 'Aye? Aye! Captain'?  Are his painted ears too weak to hear the voices of the kids? Again, is he on drugs or alcohol? Are we on drugs or alcohol? Are we sober when we watch your show? Why is there an underwater ocean?

What is your purpose in the world? Why can't you learn boating? Why do boats have wheels in your town? Why can't you have too many crabby patties? Why does it go on your hip? Does your hip really explode? What is it about making crabby patties that attracts you? Why are the customers so gullible? Why does Plankton engage himself on petty things? Can't he invent something useful? Why is he such a genius? Why does he have a wife that is a computer?

Why are the bubbles bubbling after every scene? Why is that snail so boring? Why is your bed weird? Why is Patrick so stupid? Why does Squidward play the clarinet? If he is so awesome, why does he work in a fast food restaurant? How much money does he get? How much money do YOU get? Why is Mr. Crab so cheap? Why does he love his mom so much?  Why do people like you so much? Why do you even exist?

Why do I ask so many questions? Sigh! I will never know. But I love my mom.