Remember! Remember!! The 5th of November!

Today is not a day of triumph but a day of failure. Today is not a day of orderly justice but a day of harsh decisions. I remind you of today's date. Today is the 5th of November, the day when the infamous Guy Box planned to blow up the British Parliament. He was caught before he could successfully complete the act. He met his demise but it created a following that made him immortal in the populace even today.  He is a global symbol of public outrage. He is the face of the Anonymous mask.

Now you must be thinking "What"! I see that most kids today remember the movie 'V for Vendetta' or if the kid is classy, the graphic novel. But the history dates far back. Anyways, the point is, Guy Fox wanted to show the one bird salute to "THE MAN" and he became the symbol of mutiny. His face themed mask spread like wildfire after the digital age. The chief exploiter of his symbol is 'Wiki leaks' that has been the controversy of the past few years.

Now, I do not think that it is necessary to outline what "Wiki Leaks" has done. But what it has adopted is a symbol, a symbol that has given every nobody out there a voice. Everyone is Martin Luther King Jr. with their inspiring words in the internet. The courage to speak in the open is lacking for most but some do have the tenacity to do it all out in the open. Nevertheless, the mask still survives, as an identity of public protest and anonymity.

The mask has invaded public buses, trains, museums, schools, colleges and so on. These areas are filled with anti bourgeois movement that, general populace has a hard time finding who the bourgeois are. The significance of the mask remains amidst controversy. All you can say is, "Love or hate, you cannot debate, it is at the epicenter of all controversy!"

Remember Remember
The Fifth of November
The Gunpowder Treason and Plot
I See No Reason
The Gunpowder Treason
Should Ever Be Forgot

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