Status Quo

Things that go bump in the night are not the scariest,
But the ones that shine in the light are,
hidden in plain sight as they roam,
roam free and wild these monsters,
The devil we know may be more innocent,
Than the devil we don't because righteousness is  only skin deep,
The real face hides behind the mask of integrity.

Integrity of dreams, hopes and personalities,
Demagogues and their hoodlums proving right for wrong,
Wrong for right and it seems right that we follow,
Who wouldn't follow a man in white suit in daylight?
For those in the shadows dress black and speak of honesty, 
honesty to self that scares us the most.
Honesty for both right and wrong committed by self!

That petrifies us, for all of us are sinners,
Under the table, behind closed doors, behind shut windows,
We all have something to hide, something to confide,
Someone somewhere someplace always lies,
To the mere fact of the sin he commits,
and he looks for a way out, just like others,
and there stands the false prophet ready to get them under his hood!

His hood is big and wide, covers everything,
Sins, good deeds, thoughts of progress and life,
life he so holds dearly holds precious,
Yet claims every life as his own to taken,
taken by force and might, future bleak,
 that future of that life he claims to take!

The prophet lives on even as his mortal body withers,
because he walks in the daylight and wears white,
scares the truth tellers away for they scare,
they are the demons and he the righteous,
they are the shadows and he the light,
His heart the darkest and their hearts the white!

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