Vote the right person!

So, it is Election Day. You are an average person, minding your own business. You are thinking of voting this time. You grab your shoes, your tracksuits and decide that it is time to go to the polling station. After the 5 minute walk, you reach the polling station. Because it is early morning there is a line. You decide to stand in line. Thankfully, the voting system is much efficient. You get to the front of the line quickly. Now, your moment has come. Time to vote but who do you vote for? Here is my suggestion. Vote for the right candidate. Who is a right candidate? Well, a right candidate has the following qualities.

First and foremost, he or should be financially stable person. Now, I know you must think I am the epitome of "the man". That I never want the little guy a chance at politics but here is how it is justified. People with stable economic conditions will not be inclined to do corruption if their needs are satisfactorily met.  As far as I know from history, people who are poor or have bad economic background, have eventually given up against corruption and joined in on the fun. Now, if someone has his or her daughter on the deathbed, he will never think twice about taking the money. It is human psychology. If that same person happens to be a politician and the money comes as a bribe, that person will be a failed leader. That is why it is imperative to understand the financial stability of a person when we vote. That does not mean that we have to vote for the rich. Financial stability does not equal prominence.

Second, we have to look at past history. Has the person delivered his or her promise before? Have you lent that person money and did that person return the money on time?  All of these question matter when we choose someone to write our laws. This also implies to the proportionate system. If a certain political party has delivered in the past, there may be a chance they will deliver again but it may not be the same case if the party has not delivered in the past.  So, remembering the past is important. It also includes things said in the past like, changing the country to Switzerland in 10 years or Melmachi in 5 years.

Third and most important is, the person's education. See, in my view, writing the constitution is a very big deal. You need proper education and proper knowledge to execute that ordeal. If you do elect someone without an education, you will have to deal with the dipshit laws that they will put in the constitution. I know, you could argue saying, "I elected a guy with a PhD. He couldn't do it!" Here is my clarification, relevant education. An engineer necessarily does not have the knowledge for policy making on all fields. Certainly he could or she could do it on the field of science but not on the constitution.  The proportionate system eliminates this but you could exercise this with the direct election.

So, the idea is to get the best candidates. You know who blew the agenda last time. You know who the culprits were. So, it is your time to decide who gets to write the laws in this CA. Choose wisely, it is not like a Pokemon game where you get to reload the game. (Apparently they could reload the game because this is THE SECOND TIME!)


  1. True, but some things matter a lot in the election. If we compare our constituent assembly election candidate with all of the above things then none of them are eligible to vote. Nepal is such a country where we have to pass high school (10) to take our driving license but members of our constituent assembly are so uneducated that even they do not know how to do signings.
