
Changes that make our life easier do make our lives better.  It is within reason that easy access to different resources save our time, money and strength. Technological changes that save time help us become punctual. Changes that save money will help us maximize the potential of a resource. Changes have been a boon in maximizing human efforts where human strength is required. All of this proves that changes that make life easier are positive things.

For instance, the invention of the Flying Machine by Wright Brothers changed our lives. The course of history was changed when Wright Brothers invented the aero plane. That invention, that change in history made our transportation easier, in turn making our lives better. Before the invention of Planes, tedious travels in motorized vehicles and horse carriages for countless hours wasted our time. Travel from one continent to another was dangerous and volatile compared to the travel in ships. Invention of airplanes eliminated that and made travel easier, consequently making travel better. This is an example of how life when made easier, becomes better.

Last week, my father asked me to clean the car. Now, I used buckets to give the car a wash, it took me hours. Next time, I used a hose and tap water to wash the car. Work became easier for me because of the resources I had. If I had to do it with a bucket, it would have been hard for me and I would have felt bad. Now, I think of it, my life became better of an invention. Change made my life easier and better.

Change helps people and thus makes help life easier. Easier life means less danger and less risk. That helps us become confident enough to do things. In turn, making us feel at ease and making us feel better. Thus, change is a tool that helps life be better.

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