Morning! Hallelujah!

Some mornings are very good. You wake up and see that you have fresh breath. You see that the birds are chirping and the sunlight enters your bedroom like a ninja; with stealth and precision. You have a cup of tea beside your bed. Your bowel movements are good and the cherry on the top that is this wonderful morning is news that you have a holiday.

These mornings do not come so often. It is not like every day you get to wake up at 7 am and just chill in your bed. In times like these an artist would love write lines of poetry. He or she would paint if he or she was a painter. Artists tend to do that or so I am told. But I am not an artist although I write poetry. That is why I just watched the scenery from Balcony. The hills of the Kathmandu valley tend to calm me down.

Every morning I have millions of ideas jumping out of my head. Maybe I could write this or maybe I could do that. It never stops to amuse me that I have an idea in mind at all times. Some ideas are so diabolical and some are creative. These ideas confuse me in my head, whether I am good person or not. Whether I can be capable of an evil deed or am I capable of doing enormous good?

These questions believe it or not are at the top of my head. These questions are not just mere questions that I ask against my existence. I would rather ask if I was in the matrix if it were so. I just ask them to see if my moral compass shows north. This moral compass affects me greatly than others. It designs the world I see. If I see goodness in me then I can envision that to the world outside as well. But that is only possible if I am in a good mood.

Every day it is not the same question, but the pattern is same. I ask and I ponder and I answer myself. The state of my mind fluctuates from a maniac to a sensible person in an instant. What if stars were made of oxygen instead of hydrogen? What if I could not drink water but frank Cyanide instead? Would that change my anatomy? Would I have a nose then? Would I even have blood?

Well, that is one of the examples of why I am a wild horse.

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