I have got the Festive Fever!

I have an exam coming up and on top of that I have got to write numerous essays. (Don't ask me why!) This is enough trouble to mess my life but I have got the Festive Fever in me that pushes me to get into the colors of the festive season. The colors of red and black and through numbers of 1 to 13. If that was not enough to actually make you understand what I am trying to say then here it is blunt. I am playing cards.

Hey! Not seriously in a gambling joint but in my own home (I am fairly certain that my home is a gambling joint now!). The players are all international standard professional players with a poker face that would make a bay cry even with a split second of stare. This is how serious the game gets when you play with your Uncles and Cousins. All out to get the other's money from their pockets.

On the other hand, I am playing another gamble. The one with the money is minute compared to my exams. I might lose a few bucks  playing cards (Though I always win!), but I am not going to get anything if I lose the gamble of future. I am applying to college and it is a big gamble. I might get nothing or the whole pot and that depends upon my preparation.

This preparation has nothing to do with luck as others might say. It is all a calculated risk and there is only one outcome. You either win or you lose. There is no compromise. Even if you got to a good enough college and not the college you want, then you lose. You cannot and will not win until you get what you want and that all depends on the calculated risk which some call a gamble.

In the wise words of master Yoda, "Do or do not, there is no Try!" He is damn right even if he is a midget green goblin monster from a fictional universe where a bad-ass bounty hunter named Bobba Fett exists!(HE IS SO BADASS!) This should be our motto. Do or do not, there is no try!

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