Sunday, I love you! Monday too!

The formula for catchy videos is simple. The core target of appeal is: killer catchphrase. A killer catchphrase will make any video viral in today's world, where even sensible people like us can and will watch these videos, and have a laugh. These videos are popular for primarily these reasons.  Examples could include 1 pound fish, Harlem Shake, Gangnam Style and the most recent Sunday morning. (Salute to the guy who shot this video! How could he even handle the camera work without laughing the whole time? Salute! Salute! )

The point isn't that these videos are silly but the point is how do we get the maximum put of these catchy video trends? Upon pondering to this question, I figured out some ways that we could use it for the positive-Heck; I will even use these tricks to amplify my popularity to the sky. There is a slight difference to what the people are doing currently though! Idea is to give content and not only catch phrase!

So, first and foremost, we outline an issue. The burning issue right now is Election. Now, we have an issue, we have to outline all the funny innuendos for the issue. One of the innuendos could be corruption, poverty, human rights, strikes or we could just go with women participation. (These are funny, ever since political parties decided not to worry about these!) So, women participation it is. Then, we can choose wide arrays of viewpoints. We can do it as a viewpoint from a girl, a boy, a father, mother or even that old lady from the bus stop. Let us go with our Mom. (No one like mom!)

Now, we shoot a scene with a funny ending but on a serious note and dialogues that will be out of the world. The dialogue is the main part. If the dialogues are catchy, bad acting will amplify the virality of the video (e.g. Sunday morning Model). All you have to do now is edit and upload your video. Walla, you are now a YouTube sensation. But remember; do share your videos on facebook and twitter! Most of your viewers will be waiting for your video to waste their time!

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