Nobel Prize for Peace

The talk of the town right now is Nobel Prize. The Noble prize for Literature, Physics and Chemistry have been announced and I along with the rest of the world is waiting for the Nobel Peace prize. For me, this is like a chess-game because the Peace prize is more of a political game then a simple accolade. My prediction is that Vladimir Putin should be and is the award winner this year. I could be wrong but I am 80% sure of it. I am not his lobbyist put this is just a prediction.

There are several reasons and all political why Putin should be awarded the Nobel Prize considering the political scenarios of the globe. First and foremost, he was very tactful to handle the situation in Syria which is very plausible (credit is where credit is due). That could be the front on which he could be awarded but there are other reasons too.

Russia right now is under Putin's reign and he vows to reform the nation to it's glorious state which was during the cold war. Russia is one of the global leaders in nuclear power which is a threat. But with Putin's reluctant attitude towards war in Syria meant that he is very careful with his resources among other things. This means that he is a clever leader which is an indication to world politics being around his back. So, pleasing him and Russia is a political advantage to the rest of the world.

Other factor could be to show world unity and show the masses that the award means that the Capitalists and the Communists forget their differences and be on the same table. Russia's inclination towards other communist countries is also an issue the West dreads and it would want that bond to be weaker. This prize could be that option to do this. Also, west needs more supporters against rogue nations such as Iran and the North Korea which could be why this award could go to Putin.

Now, I am just spit balling here. If my opinion and my perception shaped world politics then I would be getting the prize instead of  Putin.

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