No more criminals in the Constituent Assembly!

There is a movement going in Nepal at the Election Commission at Jamal. The movement is to lobby to stop court approved criminals in the upcoming Constituent Assembly Election. For health reason I have not been able to be a part of the whole movement but let me tell you these people are gaining momentum. The movement is #byunjhaagraha. Most of my friends are there but the cursed health issue does not allow me to go there.

But here is the gist anyways. There are bad people in society who do bad things like corruption, killing, robbery. Most people believe that these people are under the  protection of the political parties as paid Gundas. Now  in this election, the parties are planning to nominate some of these people as their candidates in the election which is directly against the principles of society. So, the brave youths of Nepal are having a stand in front of the Election Office from 3-30 to 4-30 PM everyday. And I am still sad that I cannot go!

The first few days were hard but now lots of people are joining in and this gotten bigger. Even Rajnikant is for the movement (He is! Really he is! My friend Rajnikant Silwal believes in the movement!0 So, we have so much support (I am saying we because they have my moral support). But the commission does not listen to peaceful protests. They only listen to parties who do strikes and that is sad.

In these times when there is rampant hooliganism going on, I do not think Democracy should be our ideal goal. We have had more harm because of Democracy. I believe in my true heart that the core problem in people of Nepal is misunderstanding democracy. Until and unless we try understand the meaning of democracy and the values, I do not think we should follow it.

There are many learned gentleman like Rabindra Mishra who have the idea of democracy but does that 64 year old grandfather who fought for a certain party truly know meaning of democracy. No! He only knows that he gave his life for the party and deserves the ticket. Do we want to elect such people to make our constitution? No! First and foremost we have to make everyone understand what democracy is and then and only then can we achieve it.

Otherwise we will be in the same state for years. lack of awareness and education has already destroyed the country. If this goes any further more harm will be done!

PS Don't forget to join my friends at Jamal everyday from 3-30 to 4-30 for an hour for your country and society. And like this page too!

Spoiler Alert!

I have started doing this to many people. Give them spoilers of how  their shows end or how cast dies or how people shit their pants when you put an actual snake in their bag. This is a very positive movement because I am helping people become more active. I have helped them reuse the idle time watching TV to something else. Plus I like having a evil laugh once in a while.

My point here is that, most of us are losing precious time watching TV. We could use this time to exercise or play football. But we choose to watch TV shows and spend our time. I am not saying watching TV is bad but too much TV is bad for you. I have some friends who are stuck around their Telly's all their time. They are simply best examples of couch potatoes.

So, how do you, me and everyone substitute this with something productive and entertaining? I go for "Fight Club". Let us start our own fight clubs on our backyards. Blood sports where all fight to release their frustrations. That is one hell of an idea.

Or we could do something boring like studying, or walking in the park or even painting. There is plenty of stuff to do that is productive and entertaining. Who doesn't like watching discussions among parents about what vegetable to eat? Who doesn't like doing gardening? Who doesn't like washing dishes? These are very fun activities.

Yeah fun times!

Again Game of Thrones!

So, I am eagerly waiting for the next season of Game of Thrones with some self study for a very important exam. Things ended pretty dramatically in the last season of Game of Thrones and I am pretty sure things are going to get more interesting in this coming season.

So, I wait for the upcoming season with so much enthusiasm. But here is the fact, I have been watching Mahabhaarat and that is a good substitute for GOT. The fight sequence and the animation is pretty novice but altogether, the plot twist and the amount of acting is paramount.

I am comparing it to the old version of the TV rendition of Mahabhaarat. That was the time when no GOT books existed and most of the actors were in diapers I think. So, it is imperative that Mahabhaarat can be a bigger hit.

While I prepare for my exams, you enjoy the show.

Last Year

Last year was different from other years of my so short yet seemingly long and incredible life (I guess many teens feel this way about their lives being long).

I was not a boy full of emotion, teen drama, love and a cupid struck heart. I grinned at everything, even at tragedy and convinced others to rise from it. I was not a person with interesting stories about life and it’s dramas but all of it changed when two significant events happened to me. This is the story of those two events and the story of how I found my most favorite place. The place I am referring to is a café not far from my home: a café at the heart of Kathmandu, my city.

The café is a small coffee shop compared to other cafes in the locale but we (my friends and I) preferred to call it a café. “Young Hearts’ café” translated into English as the name in Nepali is “Jawan Mutu Khaja Ghar”.  When I first stepped foot inside that place it was a Saturday evening in March, two months before my senior year finals exam. It was an outing to blow off steam not just regarding studies but some other things as well.

I know my first impression of the place was not positive. The café was just a small room partitioned from the dining area to the kitchen with just a wooden structure. The management of the tables and chairs was utterly incompetent. The mismanagement of the two staff and the owner/cook of the café made me wonder, how has this place been operating for the last two years? When I decided to sit in the chairs I saw the chowmein noodles strands over most of the chairs. This disgusted me.

Even as a person from Kathmandu who has seen many filthy of restaurants and cafes, this place topped the list.  I wanted to walk out of there at the instant I entered the place but I didn’t want to offend my friend Pradeep, who had brought me there to talk. I was never an impolite person and I was not beginning to become one, so I stayed there with 6 of my friends who were there already. We had a lot to talk about that day.

I had never been to that place before but as I learned later, they were regulars there. I was missing most of the “bro-time” with my friends because I was occupied by something else. I was occupied with something else; I was occupied by her. Yes, teenage love (or crush in grown up terms) was the reason I was spending little time with my friends and more with her. Her presence was enough to mask the presence of the whole world for me and I enjoyed every second of her presence.

Information counts a lot!

Information is currency in the modern world. Whether you know something new, old or trending that works for your advantage. It is more about who knows what then who can do what. If you know where to search for jobs, you got jobs. If you know where to pass the ball in a match or who has an injury from the opposing team, you can win the game. If you know who is easy, well you enjoy!

Information is more important than what you can show to other people. For instance if it spreads that people think you are weird, then even when you perform mundane task, people take it that you are doing weird stuff. If you are incidentally a chemist, everybody thinks you can cook crystal meth like Walter White in Breaking Bad. They do that these days!

Suddenly it is cool to be like some person who knows some information. It is cool to a hustler. Who you know will count more than how you know him or her? "Barack Obama, I know him. He is from the same state as me!" Somebody says this and everybody thinks that guy is cool! Really?

Have we really reached that age where information matters no matter where it comes from. Even when there is something written on a washroom wall, people take it that it is more important than many things going on in the world. So, information is the key!

It is more than a cold!

Sometimes you catch a cold and it doesn't leave you for weeks. Do you remember that feeling? Well, that is what I am going through right now. Do not mistake me for someone who does not take care of his health. I have been cautious with my health but seems as if the dust and smoke of Kathmandu valley has gotten the best of me. Now I believe this cough creating, chest aching, insomnia creating cold is not just a cold, it is a curse.

I missed on couple of programs because of this. One of my friends is running a campaign against the people with criminal records who are trying to be participants for the second Constituent Assembly of Nepal. That is a good cause but because of this freaking cold I cannot go. If I stay outside I will have coughing fits all the time. Taking care of my health is my priority right now more than money or anything!

But I have had more times studying and practicing. That is a positive side of this cold. Another negative side is that I have all that sticky booger coming out of my nose. It is as if my nose is a constant supply of never ending sewage. Feels like I want to vacuum pump all of this sewer stuff out of my body.

This is a lesson for me. If I want stuff done I have to take care of three things. One is hard work, two is environment and three is my health. If I take care of all of these things, then I am sure that I can succeed. I heard this when I was a kid, "Health is wealth!". I am learning it right now.

Okay! I will take that challenge!

I have been taking on personal challenges a lot these days. This page, my blog and so many things in my life are challenges. For example, killing so many terrorists in counter strike is a challenge, not being a hypocrite is a challenge(it is) and not listening to so many bad songs in the TV is another challenge.

So, a short journey of challenge after challenge and milestones after milestones I decide to look back. What have I done? What have I missed? Well, turns out many things. I have missed sleep. I have missed so calls in my cell phone. I have missed some deadlines in some applications. All I in all I have missed some and I have achieved some.

But time has come for a new challenge. This challenge will take months. This will be the challenge that will define what kind of man I am. This will define what I want to be. I am talking about the challenge regarding my higher studies. If I get into a good college for a class education I will have completed it. Thus, I begin my journey.

I begin my essay writing days, SAT preparing, exam giving and financial document, application preparing days. I am just starting it but it is a challenge that i truly feel will help me groom.

Do the strikes... For development!

I came upon a very creative thought today. It was more of a justification of an action than a new idea. Regardless, my idea was creative because I know it. I think that these strikes should happen regularly in Nepal because strikes benefit Nepali citizens more than you can imagine. Only problem is that the government is failing to recognize the use of strikes.

Let me elaborate. For example there are more than 5 lakhs motorcycles in Kathmandu running in an average day. In a strike day the average is just about 3000. So, the roads are clear. Secondly, the road construction going on in Kathmandu is at a halt at times because of the traffic. So, what I am saying is the government should call strikes or promote strikes so that they can expand roads on empty streets.

There is no other way. No one dares to go out without an emergency in a strike. That means less protesters. If the problem regards protesters and party member then let me tell you this. When you have got bulldozers, cranes, tools in your hands with buffed up workers who get paid by the hour, do these protesters really have a chance messing with them? No one will dare to stop the construction.

Another thing, when the strike closes and the vehicles get moving then they will get world class roads. Same can go with the Tribhuwan International Airport  as well. I heard there is a crack on the runway pitch too. I hope the strikers(football reference) will do a strike to repair the airport runway. If this happens then I support the leader of that certain party who said that no one can steal the right of calling a strike from the Nepalese.

Who is to blame? Batman?

Last week I heard this, "My father didn't give me enough money to go to a concert and I stole money from his wallet. I didn't know that the money was marked and he brought it home from corrupt methods. Now, my pops is in jail and my pocket money is nil." The comment was from a teen who stole money from his father and eventually his father had to pay the price.

So, what is the lesson of all this? Corruption for family leads to jail? No. Stealing gets you to all the wrong places? No. Concerts are bad? Exactly! This is how my parents reacted when they heard the news from the neighborhood. The kid is to blame for going to concert. It was justified for the kid to steal it for clothes but wrong for him to steal it for a concert.  About the corruption scandal they told me this,"In a country where everyone is a thief, does it matter that his father is a corrupt person? What matters is banning concerts!"

What the hell, right? I mean most of the seniors of the hood said this. Suddenly corruption isn't as bad as going to a concert. Playing GTA makes you shoot people, watching Breaking BAD makes you try Crystal meth; Game of Thrones is too much vulgar, drinking Gatorade is for pansies! I mean all of this ensued after that incident.  You blame pop culture when a kid steals money from the corrupt father who is stealing from the country?

How dare you? How dare you question Jesse Pinkman? How dare you do injustice to Jon Snow? How dare you throw dirt on Rockstar games? How dare you say Gatorade is not good? How? You really do not have the right to ask why Nepal is not developed. You can only find people to blame. You cannot blame the Joker because he won an Oscar and he is too damn cool. You can only blame BATMAN!

Because he can take it. Because he is the dark night!

Mahabhaarat VS Game of Thrones! Again!

See I don't repeat things I said unless they are in my songs or poems but I wanted to repeat this again. Mahabhaarat is better than Game of Thrones because of wide characterization, variety in characters and special thing called PG rating. I like nudity in TV shows, I am not against it but I am not comfortable with parents watching me watch Game of Thrones and look at me with disgust.

So, yes apart from the nudity let us talk about other stuff. See, Mahabhaarat has a wide range of characters and the story span is so huge that it would never end in 10 years if  made with every detail. Like Game of Thrones Mahabhaarat is also a story where there are no sides that are good or bad. It is represented from each character's view point. There are just people we might root for. Yes, Game of Thrones has got the Starks and the 5 stark children parallel to Pandavas from Mahabhaarat. What about Jon Snow you say? Well, Karna is a solid example for you. The bastard son of Stark head to head with the son of Kunti (who is technically a bastard too)!

There are supposedly the bad guys The Kauravas. These guys could be the representation of the Lannisters. Where is Peter Dinklage's character you ask? I give you Yuyutsu the Kaurav who fought alongside Pandavas against the Kauravas. I bet you didn't know that! Yuyutsu was Duryodhan's brother. I don't know if he was a midget or not though!

So, what about Khaleesi? Well, Krishna could be the awesome counterpart. Even though Lord Krishna was not after Hastinapur(the Mahabhaarat version of Seven Kingdoms) ,he is the magic wielder and the awesome badass we compare to Khaelesi. In my view Lord Krishna does not even need the kingdom. He cab't be compared be compared! He is a god for Christ's sake! Not to mention Lord Krishna could kick Khaleesi's ass on any given Sunday!

What about the huge number of Characters? Well, there are more than 2000 characters who are at the war of 18 days in Kurukchetra. This alone leaves out so many characters and people from the prologue and epilogue of the war and not to mention the spin off of the Krishna story line. Can we seriously not see the gold mine that we have right here?

So all I am saying is that we should try making this for international audiences and see how Mahabhaarat kicks ass of Game of Thrones!

Mahabhaarat is better than Game of Thrones!

Let me clarify this. This is not an article out of jealousy that some other cult book is getting better reviews than my religion's book. This is also not because I believe that religious texts should be more popular when they are televised. I am just saying, just like Game of Thrones is popular, Mahabhaarat should be too. I am even saying it is better.

The only reason is nudity. Yes, kids do watch GOT and yeah a lot of sex changes their innocence. Now before you tell me about sex in Mahabhaarat I will tell you this in Mahabhaarat the sex is not sex really it is a background scene.

The fight scene is really awesome too. Two people conger up magic in a moment's notice. Dragons? Who needs them? When we have Lord Krishna doing awesome stuff out of the blue. Even the sun, Ganga and other elementary objects talk. In case of Ganga she even gives birth to an awesome warrior. (Ganga=Ganges)

There are so many plots and twists that you will shit your pants if you ever get through the whole story. Even more interesting is that you can make spin off movies off this franchise. The best thing is that Hindus do not hold copyright that seriously. So, Mahabhaarat is better than GOT ain't it?

Who's that Girl?

Yesterday while I was studying in my room I heard a noise outside. It sounded like a girl screaming. So my hero instinct and all of those years of watching Indian movies came into action and I decided to rescue the Damsel in Distress. It was a rescue all right but it wasn't a girl. It was my cousin who was screaming because the neighborhood strays pounced on him. Embarrassment level was over Nine thousand.

So yesterday was humiliation day for my cousin. But do not worry he has not got the mental scars from that incident. Rather he is happy about it because he says he realized that he has got a career of a female opera singer if he fails as a surgeon. I could do nothing but agree and laugh behind his back.

I am mentioning this because of the fact that I see these people who see every negative thing as a way to positive. I lost my money, well I didn't deserve it! I got robbed, well he must have needed the money. Lots of people died in the war, well population decreased! I got HIV positive, well what am I worrying about, it's positive, ain't it?

These people believe on the theorem, it could be worse! Well, I got news for you people. It is the worst. You got bankrupt don't expect to be homeless. You are already at your worst. You should not be seeing the positive side of everything but rather act on the positive. Don't ever say I could been in lot more trouble when you should be saying I should do better!

Think about every positive fact to motivate you not satisfy you. That is the key to success.

Common Cold

Let me just say this, if you ever had a summer cold, then you would know the pain I go through now. The only way you can escape out of this is by eating a lot of ice-creams and cold  food(weird right)! While I know all of  this, my mom is against all of this and she does not allow me to do so.

So, all I have to do is, sit back relax and just go on with my cold until I find the perfect moment to steal  the ice cream from the fridge and eat it. Goodbye cold. Goodbye runny nose and goodbye handkerchief.

This experience of having a cold in a summer is not first but this is most excruciating because I have exams coming up. I want to study but this irritating runny nose stops me. This has taught me a great lesson about studying before exams.

Somebody told me once, Do what you can tomorrow, today. I bet that person must be laughing at me now with that smug smile knowing that he is right. i hate that as much as I hate that he is right.

Waiting for the moment is for people who fail. We ought to do what we can fast. That is the only way we win.

Why am I not scared?

See there are so many bad things going on in my life. First I do not know about my education i.e. Higher Education, where I might go. Second I am broke and I have little idea of how I am going to raise all the money I need. Third, my sister is pestering me to take her to the One Direction movie! Really, I have hit the bottom of the barrel. But even though I have so many difficulties, I am strangely Calm.

Hey, I don't do drugs. But this calming feeling is just unbearable. It is not artificial like getting high. You get high and you don't care for the world but right now it is more of strange confidence boost out of nowhere. Some might call it overconfidence and they could be correct because I am scared by it.

Regarding higher studies thing, last year was a catastrophe. I applied everywhere and I failed. I might call it bad luck but deep down I had known it would come to this end strangely. I was unprepared and unsure. But this year I think I will achieve all I want to because this strange feeling of confidence is overcoming last years' fears!

Regarding the money issue, well what can I do except look for more. Isn't everybody in the same boat as me? Isn't everybody looking for money? I thought so. So, instead of worrying and over thinking what I do. I just keep on doing what I can and hope I get paid!

Regarding One Direction, What can I say! Those are talented guys whom people call rubbish names. But I don't like their music. So, since I have no money and no interest, my sister has to wait.
That is why, I think I am unafraid these days.

The guy who learned!

We have this very bad system in our country. We rarely acknowledge our mistake. Even when we do, other people ridicule for the mistakes we made. Being the bigger man is hard. Especially when you are tiny and you opponents are all huge wrestlers! But time and again we do admit our mistakes and that is the truest form of humanity I acknowledge.

But the point isn't about the person who is admitting the mistake but about the person who points it out. Here most do the criticism without the intention of betterment but with the intention of humiliation. I have done this at times and I am ashamed to say that I am that stupid idiot!

Did you expect me to be a saint? I bet you did! But no! I am not a saint and I am not so because I am a part of this society where there are similar people out there. I learned all of this from society same way I learned that criticizing to humiliate is bad for the person on both sides.

This could be one of those reason we do not have such morally educated politicians. They never admit mistakes because they are afraid to do so. I have even seen the TV channels and newspapers criticize politicians just for sake of humiliation at times. This is just the reflection of the bad part of our society.

The good part about mistakes is that Nepalese overcompensate for their mistakes and that is a good thing. For example, remember the incident about the newspapers criticizing themselves for false news? Wait, did that even happen? No it didn't!

So that means there is nothing good about our habits regarding mistakes! Hmm...

Learning from the Kids!

Yesterday I had the opportunity to play street football. Nothing fancy though, just me and some kids of age 10-12 of the neighborhood. When I joined the game, the kids let me in because of my age seniority but on the other hand the kids left out a 9 year old kid because he was small. He looked sad and I told him to substitute me after 5 minutes. He took the offer graciously. Then, we won the 2 a side football match. Well, it was not exactly 2 a side because there were 5 kids on the opposing team!

We played for half an hour and I played with them like equals. Except for the part that I was gigantic compared to the kids, I was an equal in the field. Today, when I coming home from some errand there were three kids going to school with their moms and they had the biggest grins in their face.

I asked them why they were smiling and their answer was that they were happy to see me. I was the only guy who treated them as an equal and not as a kid. I was the only adult who treated them with respect. Even though that was on the field, I had treated them as an equal and that was more awesome than hitting 9 goals in my goal post!

This has got me thinking that we should learn from kids and their innocence. We are not treated with respect by our adults and we do the same with our juniors. This continues the vicious that has continued for ages. Why should we let seniority determine respect? Seniority doesn't mean experience always!

I have felt the disrespect from my seniors. Whether it is my parents, teachers, sisters, brothers and cousins I have had the same problem from all. So have they? Each and everyone of this society is a victim of this. How do we stop it then? Since, everyone is the victim and the perpetrator we can all share the same feelings, can’t we?

Yes, this can be solved via sharing and discussing. We can ask a kid if we are embarrassing him or her by asking. Did I disrespect you? Just this question would suffice our bullying behavior at times. We may be bullying without knowing. So, sharing would solve this problem in my view!

Idiocracy the best form Democracy!

What happens when idiots rule a country of prolific thinkers. Look no further it is you own country. If you are a foreigner then welcome to Nepal. A country where the guilty of corruption is made the head of Anti-Corruption Bureau, the working leader of the nation is both the Prime Minister and the head of judiciary and far more importantly people lobby for the love not working i.e people love the idea of strikes.

As a proud Nepalese of his age old tradition of courage and honor I have never let a foreigner outsmart me. I have let only the weak and the scoundrels milk me like a parasite milks the host for blood. "There are 15,000 people who disagree with me at this current moment about the thing that I am saying." Why did I quote that? Because vague statement like  these in the speeches of nation's politicians in the coming the election has sparked an outrage in me.

Shall I do another strike to change my words into action? Shall I give in to weak ways of idiots and mild brained educated hypocrites? The last two Prime Ministers of Nepal have been highly educated individuals. One holding one of the most desired positions before his term as the nation's head. The other is an inspiration to thousands of  scholars. Alas! These men do not have the moral high ground of a 10 year old needed to build the country.

All this time this country is in the need of moral values and moral guidance. We are not animals who disobey but we just lack the tenacity. We assume that these educated individuals were able to lead us. But our expectations and assumptions have been shattered. Education is just not the answer it seems. We need more moral values.

Well, let us just enjoy this idiocracy while it lasts.

Money Is Everything!

When love, hard work and passion set out to do something and the only thing that stops us is money, then money is everything. A man can learn to love overnight; a man can learn to do hard work but money with honesty it takes years. Money earned by honest measures is measure of man's competence, passion and love. Money shows man's virtue of honesty when earned by measures of honesty and dishonesty when earned by measures of dishonesty. Money is the reflection of a man. Money is the pathway to power, freedom and Independence (the foundation of USA). Money shows what a man is capable of with or without it.

Money is not just paper, it is the hours you put into life. Money is not gold it is the thought of man's ownership over something. Money is the thing that assures a man that he can control vast empires, machines, animals and terrains. Money is man's most important tool. Money earned by honest measures is man's virtue while money earned by dishonest measure is a man's vice. Thus money is the primary thing that defines us to be human.

Integrity means honesty, honesty measured from man's character. A man's character is revealed when he wields power. Power is significant to influence, ownership, control. Thus, money is the pathway that defines this sort of power. Thus, money measure's man's integrity in the modern age and at times at history. Time is a notion of measurement of life. Life is a measurement of what the man has done professionally, personally and socially. The aspects of what man has done are measured in success and failure.

Success in society is respect and integrity which is earned by honesty which is measured by wield of power and money. Success in profession is earned by perfection and ownership which is defined by money and skill. Skill that is honed by the virtues of money. Success in family and personal life is measured by happiness. Happiness is when a man or woman is successful in society, provides for the family is respected by others. Such is the place where love exists. Thus, money is the source for love and happiness. Thus, money defines the dynamics of time itself in a man's perception.

If none of the above seem to be achieved, there is misery, hatred and war. Thus, money defines both negative and positive. Money is just not wealth; it is the idea of being a human. The idea of being above the animals and the other forces of nature. It defines ownership and control. That is the sole idea of having a consciousness and self belief. Thus, being human means acknowledging the idea of money itself.

How it is justified to hate your own country: A perspective of Nepal!

I hate this country and I hate the people. I cannot get any good vibes. I am going to US/Australia/India to study. You should too. I am never returning. We don't have this here... that here... These are the exact words said by lots of Nepalese youths. I might have even said them couple of times. The most common phrase of frustration is that "I hate this whole freaking country!"

Well, it is justified to be frustrated. We are encouraged to go study in school by political leaders in their speeches but they won't let the vehicles run. Strikes run amid load shedding which decreases the chances for self study for the middle class and lower class children. The trap is so vicious that even when we triumph through all of this and pass our 10th or 12th grade, our results are postponed due to strikes by our fellow student friends who do a lot more than student politics. So, I say it is justified to be angry towards the country. Even justified to hate it! But let me clear the air here. WE DON'T HATE NEPAL. We just hate the system here.

The system is not a failure due to corruption but the system is a failure due to brain drain. See, here is a fact; yearly 400,000 students go for abroad study. These students do not study in Nepal but got to other countries for studying Bachelors, Masters and PhD. It is justified to search for better education but the problem is only 20,000 returns to Nepal each year.  That means the yield is only 5%. So, let me point it out to all the people who do this and are frustrated about the system of Nepal (me included).DO YOU REALLY HAVE A GROUND TO SAY ANYTHING?

It is preposterous that those people who distant themselves from the country have any right to comment on the system of the country which they deserted. At least the people who run the country here are trying to do something. I am not in support of the corrupt here but for the people who are not corrupt and who really do good work. These people have kept the system alive. Kept the heart of the country pumping! If any of us who is so frustrated to desert our motherland forever had any shame then I would say that we would be changing the system.

Deserters like us should be tagged cowards. The only Japanese survivor of Titanic ship was tagged coward by the whole nation because he ran away from the ship. He should have died with honor they said. I see the same scenario for the deserters of Nepal. We are all cowards. We are all hypocrites. One of my friends and social activist Kaushal Raj Sapkota says that "We need democracy with Danda!" He could be right. He could be so true that that the people who should enforce this type of democracy should be the ones who have had the privilege to witness successful democracies aboard. Instead most seek to build Africa by getting high paid jobs in UN.

I am not saying Africa should not be developed and do not work for the UN. What I am saying is, these people who cannot develop their own country, how can they go do something positive for a foreign country?  Logic just jumped out of the window! Well, I think this is a puzzle of the hypocrites and I cannot solve it! But there is still hope. Few who return have done magic and sparks of those magic moments are projects such as Kolor Kathmandu, Peace Innovation Lab in Lamjung and many others!


Change is hard and yet it is inevitable. You never know when you might be filthy rich from being dirt poor. In most cases it is the opposite but we can dream, can't we? We can dream that we can be rich overnight and for some that becomes reality, example me in my dreams. For some it is just an imagination or dream, example me in my dreams. So, apart from my dreams the only real thing here is change!

Change is phenomenon so spontaneous you never know when it hits you. You don't' believe me, ask Rihanna! She got literally hit by change, I mean Chris Brown or in other words change in her relationship. Change is something which is  unexpected sometimes and expected sometimes. Expected when your wife gets pregnant and you have a child, change in lifestyle. Unexpected when your girlfriends gets pregnant, change in lifestyle.

So, what I am trying to say is that change is like death. Death is inevitable truth and so is change. You cannot escape death and same goes for change. So, how do we live our lives when we are destined to go to the cold arms of death? How do we adapt when there is change everywhere? Is the answer of these questions, become like Sheldon Cooper of that hit show The Big Bang Theory?

Well, I seriously do not know the answer. Maybe a kid going through puberty knows the answer or maybe a person having a sex change operation or mother nature who change every 3 months knows the answer. The only wisdom I know is "Wear a sweater when it is cold and regularly wipe your nose for boogers." Do not expect that much depth and clarity from me.

The only depth and clarity that I can give you is this. Whatever comes, learn to adapt to the surrounding. Never give up your set of code and morals. These morals save our essence through a change and that is why you, me and everyone needs to be ourselves and embrace change.

Narcissism is not so bad!

The story behind Narcissus is very tragic. Narcissus is character from Greek mythology who was so mesmerized by his own reflection in a pond that he died starving looking at his own reflection. The moral that people learn from the story is that, do not value yourself too much or else you shall suffer. My moral is being handsome is curse.

I am not that good looking but I compensate it with confidence and one hell of a personality. Some call me a narcissist for that fact. Others might argue when called a narcissist but I prefer it. I prefer it because the title is a suggestion that a man or a woman is concerned about their own thought then others. Free will and independent thinking is a boon of being a narcissist. We are not puppets.

In today's world where everyone is speaking words that come from thought of others, independent thinking is a boon. Realizing the fact that you can value your own thoughts above others is not deadly but overvaluing yourself is.  I value my thoughts and others should value their own thoughts  but respect of opinions should balance the thoughts. If we do not respect opinion of others then we have little right to ask them to respect ours.

So, how do we become less of a extreme narcissist and more of an independent thinker? Well, My solution is expect the people to understand your ideas and opinions but do not expect them to accept it. Those who did accept it were the people who agree and those who disagree had the courtesy to understand your idea. Thus, a mutual understanding was established.

This is what separates a new age narcissist from the age old definition. There are some misunderstandings among people about what a narcissist is but I am sure in coming days we will help them understand our point of view! Until then think free and think new!

Five ways Nepalese Entrepreneurs fail at advertising : A Customer's Point of View!

Let me say it clear and cut. I like some Nepalese advertisements and I dislike some. I am entitled to my own opinion but let me say to you this is more of a constructive criticism rather than a rant. Whatever views I express here as satire or humor is for entertainment purpose and suggestions for suggestion purpose . Entertainment provides me my lunch money when you are reading my article that is.

One thing that entrepreneurs and businessman need to understand deeply about us customers is that customer is not always right. If you believe customer is always right then you are going to fail. The reality is customer is a businessman selling his own needs to you in exchange of your goods. That is why be professional and try not ruin a good advertisement by bringing in my all time favorite comic duo as ridiculous people who dress up in National customers and climb the top a under construction building!  They are so scared of falling off the building that we can see the fear in their eyes.

Now getting to the topic. Here is the first reason.

1. Misunderstanding the Product

When is the best time to do a paints ad? Paints equals family and family equals dinner time and that means around dinner that means around 7-9 PM. All right I buy this logic. Paint companies want their advertisements at this time frame. Another fact that every channel in Nepal has some kind of news program in this time frame (there may be few exceptions). So, when we are watching news, paint companies want advertisements then.
This is a Donut!

So, situation is this. I am watching news with my family including grandmother, Mom, Dad, Uncle, Aunt, sister, cousins and so on. So, at this time I see a semi-nude woman in the paints advertisement. AWKWARD!

I don't know about your opinion but in mine families buy paints. When you target families at least understand that a family makes decision together and when family is together they don't talk about sex or sexual annotations in regard of paints (trust me I know!). So, my advice for ad experts is understand the product before jumping into starring your favorite Kollywood heroine in the ad.

2.Misunderstanding human psychology

Advertisements tend to exploit human emotions. We all love when a cute girl says "Dad, don't die!" and Dad says I won't because I have been drinking Redbull and it gives me wings to fly out of battlefield. Yeah, we love the drama, tears, jokes, wit and humor. But sometimes the advertisement agencies try and add too much of emotion which seems off putting.
Because getting kicked in nuts is private and I can't share it!

Recently there was an advertisement about a newspaper where the kid is like Jesus of Nepal or let me go to a current term of Facebook Buddha follower; he is like Buddha. When strikers do strike with fire, he lights fire for an old man, when they paint walls in slogans he paints the bird home with the paint. All in all the kid is Harrison Ford. The tag line is "read our newspaper and be like the kid".
This Kid is blunt!

Really? Where in the world does a 9 year old kid read a Nepali national daily? Even if he does, where does he learn the positive things when most of the news is negative around? I am not saying it is impossible but it is unlikely. People do not connect to these things and that fails the whole premise. So, yeah connecting People! While we are on connecting people...

3.Stars means anything is possible 

Okay! Premise is the greatest actor/hero branded by public (of Nepal) is in an advertisement for a cement factory. He says that his house will sustain for years to come and he is sure for it. His tag line is "it lasts for generations". The advertisement ends with him getting in a car in authentic national dress. The best part is that even at such an age he is so damn Handsome!
I am a Bachelor! Deal with it!

Lasts for generation? He is not even married. Who is he building his house for? The neighbors? The relevancy in the whole advertisement dictates the actor wants the house to last for generations and that is supposed to relate to a common man. Let me ask you this, he isn't a family man and how is a common family man able to relate to the actor?
Guess who owns the sun?

This thing is so trivial that it destroys intelligence if we look at it. Advertisements are supposed to relate and convince people. The stars should be cast accordingly. This is as same as casting that kid from slum dog millionaire in a movie about Lincoln. That is plain ridiculous. The premise should be relevant.

4.Animation is selling

Out of the blue a plane is crashing. Then there is a man eating a noodles and suddenly he sees the plane coming his way. He leaves the table jumps high and fixes the plane with his all mighty muscles. At the end we find that his secret superpower is the noodles he was eating. Happy Ending!
This is an example.

There isn't an ad like this but if there was then it would have similar terms. This is how they believe we buy their product. The key is that this ad will be animated so kids will buy. Ok I buy that premise but really, a man eating noodles saves a plane? At least he should change to his superhero outfit because  that is what superheroes do. A kid doesn't believe a superhero until he wears his underpants outside.
He has no underpants. My whole life is a lie!

This is the exact thing that is wrong with ads these days. Animation is not the key to everything. It attracts but the thing to sell should be your product and it's richness not the glamour. If it is animation then I bet a certain movie called RA.One would have been epic!

5.Nothing beats cheesy Names!

This is more of an analysis of how people advertise in hoarding boards and newspapers. Really a logo and name of a football club would make your school better? Would the name of a social network site be good for a restaurant?
Maybe I can buy panipooris there!

Names should relate to people. If I am in a restaurant I would expect something restaurant like, not named Hrithik Roshan Hotel! So Yeah names should be relevant.

That is my TOP 5. What is yours? Do you agree or disagree? Did you like it or not? Reply in the comment in the page.

You can be arrested in Nepal for using Facebook!

I learned about the harsh reality of being a journalist in Nepal today. The journalists in Nepal are at huge threat of being arrested at any time by the Nepalese police. Why so? This is because of the law of the electronic transaction act. If any person or journalist writes something or produces something that offends anyone then he or she can be arrested on complaint by the person who is offended. This is ridiculous because anything that we write may offend anyone. It is not certain that something we write or produce will be liked by everyone.

You did not know about that law did you? Neither did I. If somebody writes an article in his blog from Nepal about Rohit Chand missing his goal and criticising him then police can arrest the writer upon the complaint of Mr. Chand. Don’t believe me? Ask the President of the Press Council of Nepal. Anyone who produces something electronically i.e. online, TV or radio is liable to such punishment and responsible for his or her words.

So, do you still think that Nepal has press freedom? Do you still drink that it is free for all in Nepal? Do you think that there was no repercussion of using social media in Nepal? Do you think there is no bad news when you like a joke about a politician? Well about this fact I was made aware today that recently police started searching for the 46 people who liked the status of some journalist who wrote a critical status about some female politician. I am not disclosing the names here because I might be arrested if that person reports me to police if I write his or her name.

I am writing about this today because I attended a workshop session about “Safety of Journalists in Nepal” by UNESCO. There were more than 40 other journalists there and most of us were shocked by our findings and information we shared. The scariest fact was about the electronic information exchange act. So, as a blogger who is worried about his audience I wanted make you aware about the situation.

The Council president did say that the Council is lobbying to change the rule and fit to our times. That does provide assurance but what about now? What about the thousands of Nepalese who do not know this law and are at risk of going to jail at any moment. They may not even know what charge they might be put into custody for.

So, my suggestion right now is simple. BE CAREFUL!

Next is what?

Right now three things are uniting Nepali people over the social media. Those three things are Gautam Buddha was Born in Nepal, SAFF Championship and The strike yesterday. The strike thing has pretty much cooled down by the time I am writing this, so I am certain now that SAFF championship and Buddha was born in Nepal slogan is pretty much the thing to talk about.

My query is "What is next?" What is going to be next trend for Nepalese youths in Facebook or twitter or other social media outlet to express their nationality. If it is the idea about hating some other neighboring country then I don't think I might participate. But I am down with writing about how patriotic I am in my status and being proud.

I don't have a problem with people writing patriotic statuses. Actually I like it but I hate the fact that these things lie only in the social media but they do not materialize in the streets or in the campaign to clean roads or in the campaign to clean Baghmati or in the campaign to sign a petition to save national parks. I am cool with people being patriotic in football, I am even down with protesting when some country says Buddha was not born in our country. But where is the action?

How many of us has really paid attention to football players and their financial lives? Do we let our kids dream of being professional players? When was the last time we visited lumbini? Or when was the last time we did any lobbying to make Lumbini more developed? When was the last time that we really followed Budhha's teachings of non-violence? Certainly it was not when were in a Civil War or when we were arguing with our neighbors with Khukuris in our hands on a issue about some buffalo.

I do not wish ill or accuse anyone of doing this. I am just evaluating what we do. I am evaluating myself even. We expect our politicians to be ethical, non-hypocrites and reasonable people. But we forget they come from the same society as ours where we are with false sense of nationalism and misdirected energy and time. Where we say we are patriotic and do less to show it.

Can't we stop the people who do strikes by not obeying them simultaneously and all at once? The answer is we are afraid. Yes, we are. Me, you and everyone is afraid of their lives and moreover of our property. That is why we do not defy strikes. But if were as courageous as we were while writing statuses then we would not have that problem.

Lawlessness of Date 22nd Bhadra 2070

Let me get straight to my point. The last three board exams that I gave, all were incidentally in the same day when a strike was called. My A-levels exam day was filled with an hour walk to and fro the exam center last year. My SAT exams had the coincidence of happening on a same day as a “Chakka Jam” .Today while I was away to give my entrance exam for engineering (that is IOE in Nepal) there was BANDA!

 I get that the Nepalese politicians want the city kids to share the same peril as village kids of walking hours to give exams. But every time they are trying to get the village feeling in city kids they are also causing damage to economy, hospital patients and government employees. Though today was Saturday you disrupted many movie day plans as well. The more shocking news of today is that the exam was postponed two hours later because most of the students could not get to the exam centers on time. So, here is biggest complain I have with the politicians who called on strike!

What did you achieve?

Apart from the satisfaction of letting city kids have the experience of village there was nothing productive. The thing that you did achieve was disturbing the sisters, mothers and aunts from the celebration of Teej (which was already half at show this year because of Commission of Investigation of Abused Authority). The other thing that you did was disrupt the economy of the financial hub of the country. The damages in your view, WHO CARES! LOL!

I am not even going to talk about the ridiculous reason for the strike. Everybody knows that you were wrong and are wrong. The ridiculous thing that that you did today did more damage to you than the country of mine. Elections are coming and remember the whole female population and the 10,000 examiners of IOE will not VOTE for you. You were wrong and I hope you will pay the price.

Here is your future now. No vote for you in the constituent assembly. That means you cannot make laws and that means no more having your way. THANK GOD! 


Here is the difference between pollination that I talk about and the pollination that you are thinking of. You are thinking of flower pollination whereas I am thinking of pollination of ideas. The idea is the same but the material is different. I on one hand want to pollinate my ideas by speaking, writing and sharing and on the other hand flowers pollinate their grains via animals, wind and birds.

This pollination of ideas is not a new thought for me or society. In fact there are lots of people out there who pollinate their ideas to others and have changed the world. Very good examples of those people are Gautam Budhha, Gandhi, Martin Luther King Jr., and JK Rowling. These people have changed the world. Even Baba Ramadev has changed the world with his exercise routines and body hair. But has pollination of every idea been a positive thought? The answer is No!

Hitler is a best example of how pollination of bad ideas can create chaos. He is held responsible for most of what happened in World War II. So, where am I going here?  Well the direction I am nudging you to is encouraging pollination of good ideas and discouraging pollination of bad ideas. A one question still remains is how do we determine what is a good idea and what isn’t?

There are some black and white ideas like peace, trust and friendship which are deemed good whereas war, murder and rape deemed bad. There is no denying that these are basic guidelines of morality. But what about the grey areas like selfishness and selflessness? In Ayn Ryand’s (The writer of the acclaimed books “Atlas Shrugged” and “The Fountainhead”) terms selfishness was above selflessness. Being honest and greedy was the idea of morality but if we see Hinduism’s terms helping others is more moral. If you do not do that then you are going to hell the religion says so!

So, what the hell? We know being greedy is bad. But we are all greedy and we cannot be all selfless all the time. So, are we going to hell? These questions will always persist in our minds. My solution is doing what I feel is right for each and every time. Going with my gut! That is the only idea I can pollinate but here is a warning. Pollinating your ideas is a good thing but if you are like Asharam Bapu who is a hypocrite then here is my warning. Do what you say! No parent is going to twist your ear when you are 75 now can they? So listen to your parents and do not be a hypocrite and pollinate bad ideas like “being raped was the girls’ fault”!

Pollinating ideas is most important for parents because kids listen and do what parents say. If you pollinate with bad ideas then kid comes out wrong. So, pollinate to improve and not to be rude!

The solution

See I have buttload of problems and in Jay-Z’s terms I may also have 99 problems. Most of these problems are so hard to solve I let my tag team partner solve this problem. My tag team partner is Mr. Time himself. As time goes by my problems are solved automatically and so I have given time a new nickname; The Solution.

Time heals all wounds as they say. But I have always been scared by this other quote, “Time and Tide waits for none.” This contradicts with statement that Einstein believed in which meant there is no present, future or past. They all exist together and the concept of now is just a mirage. He believed in timelessness. That being said we also know that he was also a hell of a drunkard and he tried to marry his sister or was it his cousin? He died because of alcohol. It could have been gibberish coming from his drunken thoughts but we accept it because Einstein said it.

This is the thing I do not agree with. There are lots of people who believe anything that a renowned personality may say. Like the people who followed the ruse from Bill Clinton when he said he did not have an affair with that woman or Lance Armstrong when he said he did not use drugs or in Nepal when Pushpa Kamal Dahal said he did belong to Maiost party. Wait! Is the last one a false statement?

All of these great people said some thing which was seemingly true but turned out to be false. (I still don’t believe Mr.Dahal is a Maoist!) So, what do we understand from this? The thing that we understand is that not everything that public figures, celebrities and famous people say is true. They may be wrong or maybe right but we cannot go and jump into conclusions without facts. When we make up our minds on something then we have to be clear that it is true.

This is a problem that has dire need of a solution. There is a solution though. It is the same solution that I use; the solution of time and patience. As we waited for truth to come out in cases of Lance Armstrong or Bill Clinton we can surely wait for the truth to come out for other things. We can wait till we get truth before we succumb to public opinion. We can’t go smashing skull just because Rihanna said so in her songs now, can we?

But still the other quote lingers, time waits for none. We cannot be sure what might happen when finally the truth come out. 

Be the asshole you aspire to be!

You know that weird moment in your head when you want to punch somebody in the face? Yeah, I know that moment. In that moment, you really want to punch the guy or sometimes even a girl for no reason. Sometimes this may be provoked by a word or a phrase and sometimes maybe from some action like changing the channel while you watch TV. Rage gets the best of us but we suppress it. In my point of view you go for it. Be the asshole!

Let me say why. There are a lot of people out there with rage issues. Yes, I could be one of them or you could be one. Why am I saying this? I am saying this because the asshole inside us provokes us daily and at times it is not healthy to suppress all of these feelings. The increasing pressure of society, the life in the fast lane and the idea of being less than what we imagine brings out these issues. Yet we choose to ignore them. This leads to a major build up and after we cross a certain tipping point there is an incident like a rape, robbery or murder which will be danger to us and frankly to society.

Don’t get me wrong here. I am not saying that you should act on your impulse when you see a knife and want to jam it into the flesh of the guy beside you. But what I am saying is see a shrink. See a psychiatrist to handle your mental issues or at least talk to someone. If you have a breakup or fail in an exam or even have a boo-boo and if it makes you feel bad then just talk about it to your person of importance. Maybe it will help you get out of your dark place.

Stress is a big problem and most of the time it leads to self destruction like cutting your wrists or suicide maybe. But when we see accidents like rape and murder then we can be sure that those individuals who committed those crimes suppressed the assholes in them instead of facing the issues. This led to accidents that are so unfortunate it makes us feel bad. In USA according to CDC the number of people who visit the mental physicians yearly is 63.3 million published in the journal of 2012. Even in a society as advanced as USA people tend to care for themselves. Another fact regarding USA, it is country where most murders occur.

Even in country where health is a major issue, the system does not reach the desired people and there are so many murderers out there. We can certainly rule out in countries such as Nepal that the people are aware enough for physical health let alone mental health. So, what do we do when we do not have enough resources? Improvise!

There is so much action going in Nepalese politics, society and country as a whole that people are happy enough to be happy. Nothing makes sense and that is the reason why the phrase will be most applicable in Nepal because of the sheer lawlessness. Be the asshole you aspire to be because nobody wants to stop you.

Respect for the workman!

Last night when I was doing the dishes, my grandma said something. She said that they
name a boy who does the dishes “kancha” in India. After she said that the whole family went laughing. I couldn't see the funny part in the whole joke. But one thing was certain; the joke was made in my expense.

I did not get offended because I was made fun of by the whole family. I was rather offended because even my old grandmother who had been doing the same for the family her whole life could not appreciate the value of the work. It was the matter of laughter for her and the family for a work which is called demeaning but is essential. After moments like these I question the upbringing of my family and society and sometimes I question them. Who are they to question me when they cannot accept society themselves?

Our society cannot accept our society. It’s true. How? See in our society jobs such as cleaning, plumbing and sweeping are called menial jobs. The meaning of that is no respect for the people who do these jobs. Yet these jobs are so essential, if somebody stopped doing these jobs then our life would be unbearable. An example would be the strike by sweepers of Kathmandu Valley few years ago. We were in our knees that time. Still after realizing this fact many times our society condemns the people and marks them of lower status.

The biggest argument society has for these people are that “anyone can do that”. Yes that may be true but anyone cannot do the same efficiently. The people like plumbers, sweepers and cleaners are experts on their fields like scientists, doctors and engineers. These experts build bases for intellectuals to create or design. If the amount of impact of creation of new ideas goes then yes the intellectuals are ahead. But if we question sustainability then we can certainly say that the people who do the so called odd jobs are of far greater importance.

So this brings up the debate of sustainability versus creation. This debate has been going on for a long time and shall go on longer. The core idea of respecting the workman lies in understanding effort of a working class and the debate between sustainability versus creation. Understanding will help us be a better society. This will make us understand the value of working instead of the possessions that we posses. These possessions may last a lifetime but the work that one does lasts an eternity.

That is the whole argument I am making; respect the working class and they will respect us. In turn they shall provide efficient service and we can be proud to have a peaceful and prosperous society. But then again I am talking about society and you never know with society what might go wrong.

About Now!

There are multiple issues going on around the world which is catching buzz. Some of these issues include current President of the USA Obama’s move to take a verdict from the Congress on the war against Syria, Fukushima’s radiation water leak, Ben Affleck as the new Batman and Miley Cyrus’s VMA performance. Now, you must be thinking how the latter issues are catching the buzz. Let me summarize that in two words; POP CULTURE.

No, not the pop culture of the 80’s and the 90’s which was dominated by the west but the pop culture that flourishes because of the global village i.e. the Internet. From Internet memes to social structures changing movements; everything has turned into a pop culture movement. If you do not belong to the pop culture you used to be called different. Now they call you a “Hipster”.

Frankly, I tried to look up the word in Oxford dictionary. I did not get a thing to understand and I do not understand it as well. While we are on the subject of words in the Oxford dictionary, this year two more words made into the dictionary. They are “selfie” and “twerking”. These words are so foreign to me that right now while I am typing these words in the old laptop of mine, the Word program is making a red underline underneath these words. If you understood, that means these words had no meaning until we used them. This happened after the boom of cheap handheld cameras.

See, the problem is not with pop culture itself. The problem is what we are doing with our world. The issues of radiation leak and war are less important than an actor playing a comic book character. Even Mackelmore’s speech regarding human rights in VMA’s was less important than Miley Cyrus’s performance. These trends do show that we have less regard of the important issues in the world. This is not going to stop as well. Our children and their children will follow our footsteps and I fear that someday our world is going to decay like Gotham from The Dark Night Trilogy (I made a movie reference and it’s getting me as well).

So, what do we do now? My solution is to read books, remain intelligent and hope that the pop culture will just be like that song “Gangnam Style” last year. It was fun while it lasted but it was just plain stupid.