Mahabhaarat is better than Game of Thrones!

Let me clarify this. This is not an article out of jealousy that some other cult book is getting better reviews than my religion's book. This is also not because I believe that religious texts should be more popular when they are televised. I am just saying, just like Game of Thrones is popular, Mahabhaarat should be too. I am even saying it is better.

The only reason is nudity. Yes, kids do watch GOT and yeah a lot of sex changes their innocence. Now before you tell me about sex in Mahabhaarat I will tell you this in Mahabhaarat the sex is not sex really it is a background scene.

The fight scene is really awesome too. Two people conger up magic in a moment's notice. Dragons? Who needs them? When we have Lord Krishna doing awesome stuff out of the blue. Even the sun, Ganga and other elementary objects talk. In case of Ganga she even gives birth to an awesome warrior. (Ganga=Ganges)

There are so many plots and twists that you will shit your pants if you ever get through the whole story. Even more interesting is that you can make spin off movies off this franchise. The best thing is that Hindus do not hold copyright that seriously. So, Mahabhaarat is better than GOT ain't it?

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