Information counts a lot!

Information is currency in the modern world. Whether you know something new, old or trending that works for your advantage. It is more about who knows what then who can do what. If you know where to search for jobs, you got jobs. If you know where to pass the ball in a match or who has an injury from the opposing team, you can win the game. If you know who is easy, well you enjoy!

Information is more important than what you can show to other people. For instance if it spreads that people think you are weird, then even when you perform mundane task, people take it that you are doing weird stuff. If you are incidentally a chemist, everybody thinks you can cook crystal meth like Walter White in Breaking Bad. They do that these days!

Suddenly it is cool to be like some person who knows some information. It is cool to a hustler. Who you know will count more than how you know him or her? "Barack Obama, I know him. He is from the same state as me!" Somebody says this and everybody thinks that guy is cool! Really?

Have we really reached that age where information matters no matter where it comes from. Even when there is something written on a washroom wall, people take it that it is more important than many things going on in the world. So, information is the key!

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