Again Game of Thrones!

So, I am eagerly waiting for the next season of Game of Thrones with some self study for a very important exam. Things ended pretty dramatically in the last season of Game of Thrones and I am pretty sure things are going to get more interesting in this coming season.

So, I wait for the upcoming season with so much enthusiasm. But here is the fact, I have been watching Mahabhaarat and that is a good substitute for GOT. The fight sequence and the animation is pretty novice but altogether, the plot twist and the amount of acting is paramount.

I am comparing it to the old version of the TV rendition of Mahabhaarat. That was the time when no GOT books existed and most of the actors were in diapers I think. So, it is imperative that Mahabhaarat can be a bigger hit.

While I prepare for my exams, you enjoy the show.

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