Mahabhaarat VS Game of Thrones! Again!

See I don't repeat things I said unless they are in my songs or poems but I wanted to repeat this again. Mahabhaarat is better than Game of Thrones because of wide characterization, variety in characters and special thing called PG rating. I like nudity in TV shows, I am not against it but I am not comfortable with parents watching me watch Game of Thrones and look at me with disgust.

So, yes apart from the nudity let us talk about other stuff. See, Mahabhaarat has a wide range of characters and the story span is so huge that it would never end in 10 years if  made with every detail. Like Game of Thrones Mahabhaarat is also a story where there are no sides that are good or bad. It is represented from each character's view point. There are just people we might root for. Yes, Game of Thrones has got the Starks and the 5 stark children parallel to Pandavas from Mahabhaarat. What about Jon Snow you say? Well, Karna is a solid example for you. The bastard son of Stark head to head with the son of Kunti (who is technically a bastard too)!

There are supposedly the bad guys The Kauravas. These guys could be the representation of the Lannisters. Where is Peter Dinklage's character you ask? I give you Yuyutsu the Kaurav who fought alongside Pandavas against the Kauravas. I bet you didn't know that! Yuyutsu was Duryodhan's brother. I don't know if he was a midget or not though!

So, what about Khaleesi? Well, Krishna could be the awesome counterpart. Even though Lord Krishna was not after Hastinapur(the Mahabhaarat version of Seven Kingdoms) ,he is the magic wielder and the awesome badass we compare to Khaelesi. In my view Lord Krishna does not even need the kingdom. He cab't be compared be compared! He is a god for Christ's sake! Not to mention Lord Krishna could kick Khaleesi's ass on any given Sunday!

What about the huge number of Characters? Well, there are more than 2000 characters who are at the war of 18 days in Kurukchetra. This alone leaves out so many characters and people from the prologue and epilogue of the war and not to mention the spin off of the Krishna story line. Can we seriously not see the gold mine that we have right here?

So all I am saying is that we should try making this for international audiences and see how Mahabhaarat kicks ass of Game of Thrones!

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